Initial reports of chemical snow were only coming from the south, but new cases are now being documented in the north east

By John Vibes

NEW YORK CITY (INTELLIHUB) — This week Atlanta was hit with a snowstorm that would have been considered mild up north, but because they were caught off guard, a few inches of snow had the entire city shut down for days.

In the midst of that snowstorm, a number of residents took very close observations of the snow and noticed that it had a number of abnormalities.  People noticed that the snow didn’t melt, but instead burned and gave off a chemical odor.

The first reports were all in this area, but as video evidence of this chemical snow began to go viral, people all across the east coast went outside and tested their own snow, many of them having the same exact results.

Now there are hundreds, maybe even thousands of videos floating around online where people are testing their snow for this chemical consistency.  Unfortunately, the projected area where this is occurring has continued to widen, with reports now extending all the way up to New York City and possibly even farther north.

Today a man from the Bronx tested the snow outside of his house to find that it burned black instead of melted, and gave off a chemical odor.  Please excuse the man’s choice of profane language, I am sure he was astounded by what he had witnessed.

Writer Bio:


John Vibes is an investigative journalist, staff writer and editor for Intellihub News where this article originally appeared. He is also the author of an 87 chapter e-book entitled “Alchemy of this Modern Renaissance” and is an artist with an established record label. You can find him on his Facebook.
For media inquires, interviews, questions or suggestions for this author, email: [email protected] or telephone: (347) 759-6075.
Read more articles by this author here.


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