Oil has been found in nearby areas but oil and gas drilling have worked alongside ranching over the years without a problem. Of course, if the government can lease the land on which the cattle graze, it will be lucrative for them.
In July 2011, the federal government agreed to allow China to buy up 600,000 acres of gas & oil fields in Texas. This is the same administration that would not allow new drilling; kicked Shell out of Alaska after billions of dollars of investments; shut down most offshore drilling; and tried to shut down Texas oil fields on the remote possibility that it might harm a tiny useless lizard that was most often known for being road kill.
The acreage takes in the Gold Butte area where Bundy grazes his cattle.
Mr. Obama prefers solar and windmills to oil and gas however.
Bundy’s name came up in a solar project that the government currently wants to put in place with the Chinese communists using Nevada land This time.
InfoWars posted documents found on the BLM website which BLM has since taken down. One document is titled, “Cattle Trespass Impacts” and it states that Bundy’s cattle negatively “impacts” solar development and would prevent the construction of utility-scale solar power generation facilities” on “public lands.”
They are talking about a very lucrative “investment” of $5 billion by Chines communists who will set up an enclave – a Chinese communist enclave – on U.S. land in Nevada.
Source Article from http://www.redflagnews.com/headlines/chilling-truth-the-siege-of-the-bundy-ranch-reaches-into-the-white-house
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