Chinese Beggar Gang Severe Camel’s Legs

Chinese Beggar Gang Severe Camel’s Legs

Camel 5  3

Amputating limbs on small children is no longer attracting attention so Chinese beggar bosses have begun mutilating animals as a new gimmick to make sure their beggars bring home plenty of cash.

 Some camels have the lower part of all four legs forcibly amputated, leaving them unable to even stand. Most have had their four hooves brutally severed from their feet.

Camel 12

Camel has all four of it’s lower legs amputated. See the beggars also laying on the safer part of the road, with a chain attached to the mutilated camel. Note the appalling condition of the poor camel.

The latest appalling craze is to amputate body parts from live camels, deliberately mutilating them so they can use the crippled camels to force people to donate to their beggars, out of sympathy.

Notice the broken front leg.

Notice the broken front leg.

Some beggars have their camel laying prostrate on the road, taking up a lane of traffic! The poor camel, which cannot even stand, must be in horrific pain laying on the remainder of it’s legs, all day and night.  As the camel dies, it is replaced with another one, equally as mutilated as the previous one.

It is reported that when people don’t donate money, or even as much money as the beggar wants, beggars will beat the severely injured camels mercilessly. Chinese beggars are now extortionists who use emotional blackmail to extract cash money from people, by inflicting gross animal cruelty on the spot, thereby guilting people into giving them money.

Camel 10

Notice the front leg amputation.

Wild Camel Critically Endangered

The wild camel is the eighth most endangered large mammal on the planet. It is critically endangered.

There are approximately 600 in the Gobi desert in north-west China and 800 in the desert in Mongolia.

Healthy wild camel in it's natural environment.

Healthy wild camel in it’s natural environment.

Camels are migratory and they are diurnal, sleeping at night in open spaces and foraging for food during the day. Shrubs and grass form the bulk of the diet, with the animals being well adapted to feed on thorns, dry vegetation and salty plants, which other herbivores avoid.

Excess fat is stored in the humps and used as a reserve when food is scarce. AUTHOR NOTE: notice the state of the humps on the beggar’s camels. 

The wild camel (Camelus ferus),  was listed by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) in 2002 as critically endangered.

Healthy wild camel mother and calf.

Healthy wild camel mother and calf.

Many believe that the wild camel can yield up secrets, which will be of great benefit to man. Read more: Wild Camel Protection Foundation.

Beggars use all types of camels. Some authorities, notably the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), use the binomial name Camelus ferus for the wild Bactrian camel and reserve Camelus bactrianus for the domesticated Bactrian camel. Their name comes from the ancient historical region of Bactria.

Beggar Camels

Camels are suffering horrific mutilations with forced amputations such as cutting the animal’s front and  hind legs off below the knees, leaving them with stumps so they cannot walk or even stand. At this stage it is unknown how beggar gangs move the stricken camels from one location to another, sometimes great distances, but they do it somehow – which would be expensive and take money to do. Beggar gangs use camels along roadsides or in shopping areas so that both the camel and beggars can block walkways or shop entrances until their paid money to move.

Some beggars are in need of help, but some are professional beggars, who can earn more than a white collar worker in a month. In Guangzhou, professional beggars can earn in excess of RMB 1,000 per day – which is in excess of US163.00 per day. Beggar gang bosses take most of the money.

Camel 4  3

All four lower legs have been amputated on this camel.

Camel 3
Camels 1
Beggar and his ca,el deliberately blocking the shop entrance/exit of a fast-food restaurant.

Beggar and his ca,el deliberately blocking the shop entrance/exit of a fast-food restaurant.

According to the man’s sign, he suffers from epilepsy, a brain tumour and needs money to care for his crippled mother. Speaking to a local hawker, the reporter was told that the man often makes an excess of RMB 1,000 per day.Beggar and shop keeper seeing who can last the longest before one of them gives in.

Beggar and shop keeper seeing who can last the longest before one of them gives in.

Camel 11

Passerby gave the beggars noodles to eat rather than paying them cash.

In Conclusion:

The wild camel is the eighth most endangered large mammal on the planet and critically endangered. It is supposed to be strictly protected by the Chinese government, however it doesn’t take long to find these wretched animals being used as mutilated beggars on busy streets, where they are constantly brutalised at the hands of cruel captors.

If you see a camel beggar do NOT give them money as this only encourages them to keep mutilating innocent animals who are unable to defend themselves, forcing them to live a life of misery and pain until their slow death eventually arrives, where they are left abandoned to die alone and forgotten.

To help critically endangered wild camels, please read more at the Wild Camel Protection Foundation.

Thank you for reading,

Michele Brown.

Related article on this website: China: Beating People’s Pet Dogs To Death

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