Comedy video spoofs Facebook’s Keystone XL support

When the Exxon Mobil Pegasus pipeline ruptured and spilled hundreds of thousands of gallons of tar sands oil into a neighborhood in Mayflower, Arkansas, comedians Andy Cobb and Mike Damanskis mocked the oil giant with a video for a new “Exxon Everywhere” service.

Now, with Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg facing criticism from Elon Musk, David Sachs and environmental groups for his political action committee supporting Keystone XL pipeline, the comedy duo is back with an inside look at Facebook’s “Messing” Everything Up department (except they don’t use messing). Facebook users familiar with the social network’s history of privacy screw-ups will especially appreciate it.

The video was written and directed by Andy Cobb, produced by Mike Damanskis with music by Kevin MacLeod. For more, check out Heavy Crude Video on Facebook.

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