Cooper, White & Cooper LLP Elects New Managing Partner for Walnut Creek Office

Green Practice Group Chair Selected

(PRWEB) February 01, 2012

Cooper, White Cooper LLP is pleased to announce the election of Kristen Thall Peters, resident in the firm’s Walnut Creek office, to its management committee. Peters is currently the Chair of the firm’s Green Practice Group which focuses on green, energy, environmental, pipeline, real estate and land use law and which is primarily based out of the Walnut Creek office. She spearheaded the office’s expansion in 2004, and its certification as a green business in 2009. This announcement comes on the heels of the firm’s execution of a five year extension of the lease for the space the Walnut Creek office has occupied since 1989.

“As a lifelong East Bay resident with longstanding involvement in both the Bar and business community, Kristen was the obvious choice to manage the firm’s continued expansion and presence in the East Bay,” said Mark Schreiber, Chair of Cooper, White and Cooper’s management committee. Peters is currently an active member of Commercial Real Estate Women (CREW) – East Bay, the Industrial Association of Contra Costa County, the Diablo Valley Chapter of Women Presidents’ Organization, Women in Cable Telecommunications, the Association of Women in Water and Energy, the Green Business Network of Contra Costa County, and the Contra Costa County Bar Association, of which she formerly served on the Board of Directors and currently serves on the Diversity Committee. An active member of the Real Estate Section of the Contra Costa County Bar, she served for years in the capacity of board member and President.

A graduate of Concord High School, U.C. Berkeley (B.A. Environmental Sciences) and Santa Clara University (J.D.), Peters is also an active volunteer in the community.

“2011 was a banner year for Cooper, White and Cooper, and we plan to continue to use the Walnut Creek platform to position the firm for further growth in the East Bay and beyond,” said Peters. “And we intend to actively attract talent as we grow to meet existing and future client demands.”

About Cooper, White Cooper LLP

Cooper, White Cooper LLP, a fifty-attorney firm with offices in San Francisco and Walnut Creek, was established in 1896. It is best known for its litigation and transactional skills in connection with representation of clients in the areas of business, corporate, environmental, energy, employment, media, telecommunications, home building, finance, public utilities, and land use and real estate law.

Press Contact

Mark Schreiber



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Kristen Thall Peters

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