Thursday, 24 May 2012 12:38
‘While the global elite are still clinging to the hope that the euro single currency can survive a Greek exit that now looks inevitable, some members of the financial aristocracy have already given up on the entire eurozone altogether.
In an article for the Financial Times entitled, We must break up the failing euro, former Bilderberg attendee Sir Martin Jacomb concedes that all efforts to rescue the euro have been in vain, calling for “all 17 members to decide at once to revert to national currencies.”
Jacomb attended the 1985 Bilderberg Group meeting in New York but has not been invited back to the elitist confab since. No wonder given the fact that he is obviously an ardent skeptic of the single currency that Bilderberg hatched as far back as 1955.’
Read more: ‘Five Day Bank Holiday’ To Prepare For Collapse of Euro
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