Military Headline News – Rick Rogers
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A military judge has barred Maj. Nidal Hasan from using “the defense of others” legal strategy to justify allegedly killing 13 people at Fort Hood in 2009.
Serving as his own attorney, Hasan had wanted to argue at trial that he needed to act in order to protect the lives of Taliban leaders in Afghanistan.
Nearly lost in the coverage of the Pfc. Bradley Manning and Edward Snowden intelligence cases is that of Army Maj. Seivirak (SEV-ROK) Inson.
The intelligence officer based in Hawaii was found guilty of passing defense secrets to the Cambodian government.
Inson was sentenced to 10 years in prison.
Researchers have found abnormalities in the brains of veterans suffering from Gulf War Illness.
These findings include that their brains have degenerated in regions not seen in a control group.
Up to 210,000 veterans from the 1991 Gulf War suffer with pain, fatigue and mental impairment associated with the mysterious illness for which no cause has been found.
Rick Rogers, Military Headline News.
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