Mikael Thalen | Story Leak | November 6, 2013
During Monday’s Good Morning America, a computer-generated animation of Los Angeles International Airport (LAX) shooting suspect Paul Ciancia was shown to be holding a military style M16 rifle, complete with a 40mm grenade launcher.
Despite pictures of the weapon on scene showing a Smith & Wesson M&P15 sporting rifle, producers at ABC were seemingly unable to portray the correct firearm for their Monday morning report. As reported by Twitchy, viewers immediately took to Twitter to point out ABC’s blatant misrepresentation of the facts:
WRONG. @GMA @ABC there was NO grenade launcher on #LaxShooting rifle as you depicted in this morning’s animation. http://t.co/K1xREHY7Is— Todd Schnitt (@toddschnitt) November 04, 2013
@toddschnitt @GMA @ABC lame stream media incorrectly reporting as usual—
JB Blubaugh (@alabamajb) November 04, 2013
@GMA aww man. The real pictures from the
#LAX shooting didn’t have the grenade launcher in them…..unless you just made that part up.— TSMcK1000 (@TSMcK1000) November 04, 2013
Unsurprisingly, no public statement explaining details over the inaccurate animation has been made by ABC or Good Morning America. Similar to the faulty animation, the official narrative has also begun to disintegrate, with media talking points now contradicting original eye-witness and law enforcement reports of a TSA employee carrying out the shooting.
According to LAX Police Chief Patrick Gannon, police arrived on scene incredibly fast due to the fact that his officers had trained for the exact same scenario three weeks prior.
“We practiced to this not more than three weeks ago,” said Gannon. “We took every one of our patrol officers and a couple hundred officers from the Los Angeles Police Department and we practiced the exact scenario we played out today.”
Despite the normal knee-jerk reaction after most shootings, which always includes finding ways to restrict gun ownership among the citizenry, the media has instead began to demand that TSA agents, who quietly began training with firearms last July, be armed at all airports.
Luckily, the attempts to convince the public to support arming an agency caught in countless crimes like taking pictures up women’s dresses, sexual abuse, child porn possession and stealing millions in flyers’ property, has so far been relatively unpopular, especially in light of the TSA’s accidental release of internal documents admitting their security to be purely theater.
The media has also begun a campaign to demonize anyone connected to the word “patriot,” with a barrage of media outlets and political pundits linking anyone who questions such things as the private federal reserve bank to dangerous violent extremism, due to an alleged note discovered at the scene.
Just last September following the Navy Yard shooting, CNN continued to label the shooter’s weapon an “AR-15 Shotgun” after it was learned that the weapon was not an AR-15. Even though it was soon widely reported that the weapon was a Remington 870 shotgun, multiple news outlets including MSNBC showed animation of Aaron Alexis holding an M16 rifle with a grenade launcher as well.
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Source Article from http://intellihub.com/2013/11/06/good-morning-america-depicts-lax-gunmen-with-grenade-launching-m16-rifle/
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