Great granny faces arrest over sisters

Three women face arrest if they refuse to attend court to reveal where four sisters at the centre of a bitter international custody dispute are hiding.

A Brisbane judge on Wednesday ordered the girls’ grandmother, great-grandmother and aunt to attend court on Friday to answer questions under oath about where the girls are hiding.

The girls disappeared earlier this week to avoid being returned to Italy to live with their father.

The order that they return to Europe was made by a Family Court judge last year.

The judge ruled the mother had brought the girls, aged nine, 10, 13 and 14, to Australia without the father’s permission, and that they needed to be returned until the custody dispute was dealt with in the Italian courts.

A Family Court judge said on Wednesday that the children were obviously being assisted by adults in hiding, and said it was the adults’ duty to bring them forward.

However their great-grandmother, who has previously told reporters she is hiding them, says she will not come forward.

“If the judge throws me in jail, I’ll live with it,” she told Channel Seven.

“I have no respect whatsoever for the justice system.”

If she does not attend, the judge has the power to issue a warrant for her arrest, and she will be brought before the court to explain why she has disobeyed an order.

The girls’ mother was reprimanded earlier this week by a judge for breaching court orders.

The judge refused to hear her last-ditch application to keep the girls in Australia after it was revealed she disobeyed a court order to hand the children over to their father on Tuesday night.

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