January 21, 2012 @ 5:27 pm
“Have a Jew shoot Archduke Ferdinand, 1914 to start a War. Oops…forgot about Germany’s new era …especially submarines, could ass kick the Brits, starve them out.
Germany didn’t want War, it tried to negotiate peace. ”
First off I don’t think Gavrilo Princip was a Jew, and the Austrian-Hungarian throne certainly didn’t want peace.
The Rothschilds wanted war, so they convinced the Austro-Hungarian government to initiate an ultimatum to Serbia which no country would accept, especially because the assassination occurred in Austrian territory of Bosnia, and Princip, who belonged to political Young Bosnia, was an ethnic Serb but an Austro-Hungarian subject.
It was an ultimatum such as had never been penned in modern times. It would be ABSOLUTELY IMPOSSIBLE that any State in the world could accept it, or that any acceptance, however abject, would satisfy the aggressor.
Serbia virtually accepted all the demands which did not compromise her sovereignty or prove impossible to do. Her chief reservations were about Austrian collaboration in suppressing the subversive movement in Austrian Bosnia and participation in legal investigations.
She would agree to such collaboration as was consistent with international law but could not allow agents of a foreign government to take part in her juridical affairs.
Russian Tsar Nicholas II proposed to the Kaiser that the “Austro-Serbian problem” be handed over to the International Court at The Hague. Late that evening the Kaiser proposed to the Tsar that Russia “remain a spectator of the Austro-Serbian conflict, without involving Europe in the most horrible war she ever witnessed.”…
Austria had no intention of submitting her dispute with Serbia to The Hague, and then Kaiser Germany was forced to mobilize on the side of Austria…
It was at four in the afternoon of July 30 that the Tsar signed the order for full Russian mobilization. Russian popular sentiment applauded the fullest possible solidarity with the beleaguered fellow Slavic Eastern Orthodox brothers in Serbia.
Excerpts from “The First World War, the Complete History” book.
Why would Germans and Austro-Hungarians not accept such concessions? They knew that Serbia was very weak — it was plagued by slavery for over 500 years, then the Balkan Wars ended in 1913 which even further debilitated Serbia. Prior to that in 1800s Serbian rebels were fighting to gain independence from Turkey.
Hypothetically let’s say Princip was Jewish, though I’ll say this the Black Hand group secret organization which Princip was part of, might have been infiltrated by the Jews since the conspirators were moved mainly by Yugoslav nationalism rather than enthusiasm for Serbia.
The Black Hand society which Princip was part of, was opposed to the civil government of Serbia, having tried and failed a few weeks before to induce the Serbian Army to revolt. Yet German/Austro-Hungarian government was somehow oblivious to all these events? Come on!
Gavrilo Princip, ethnic Serb and Austrian subject, was from Austrian Bosnia, the assassination occurred in Sarajevo, so why would Austro-Hungarians attack Serbia and give them such an ultimatum? It doesn’t make any sense at all… Germans could have prevented the war but its government was guilty of collaborating with the Jews.
German government and Austro-Hungarians were always loyal to the Pope who as we discussed before was responsible for numerous number of inquisitions, murders, tortures, forceful conversions (and his secret collaborations with the Jews).
The so called Protestant Germans betrayed their ancestors by siding with the Latins who had butchered them for over 400 years. How can you call someone a brother in Christ when you know his ancestors were responsible for killing, enslaving, torturing your own?
If Germans along with the Austro-Hungarians were so smart they should’ve read the Bible in which Our Lord Jesus Christ pointed out that those who arrange all wars and revolutions and that their chief cause is Satan’s and his sons’ “lust of murder.”
Why did then Austro-Hungarians attack Serbia? Serbia didn’t give an ultimatum to Germany or to the Austro-Hungarian Empire.
The last time I checked it was the other way around, you would think these governments would’ve been smarter? They should have noticed “Ah wait! It’s the Jews who are trying to instigate the war, not the Serbs, so lets not attack the Serbs, lets resolve the conflict.”
Austro-Hungarians weren’t willing to negotiate. Germany was unsettled socially and militarily, under revolutionary pressure.
The 1912 Reichstag elections had resulted in the election of no fewer than 110 socialist deputies, making Chancellor Hollweg’s task in liaising between the Reichstag and the autocratic Wilhelm, not to mention the rigidly right-wing military high command, next to impossible.
Hollweg came to believe that Germany’s only hope of avoiding civil unrest and possible dissolution of Kaiser Germany was to divert into a short, sharp war, although he did not rule out a European-wide conflict if it resolved Germany’s social and political woes.
Under revolutionary pressure since 1905, that’s why the Russian Czar allied with the Slavic Eastern Orthodox brethren Serbs, against the bellicose Germans and Austro-Hungarians. The Czar knew these guys were being manipulated.
The Czars of Russia would not permit any overt attack by European Powers on the United States also, just as he prevented it in 1814-1817 and 1863-64. The Civil War was started in 1861 and the British, French, Spanish, Belgian and Austrian troops were already in Mexico City, ready to come in on the side of the Southern Confederacy and to profit by the American Civil War, staged by the Jews.
Czar Alexander II warned Emperor Napoleon that he would invade France if this [British, French, Spanish, Belgian and Austrian] coalition helped the Southerners to smash the North. The Czar even sent his navy fleets at the disposal of President Lincoln, stationed to defend New York and San Francisco.
President A. Lincoln had the right to order this fleet to fight any of the above five Powers in case of an attack. Only thus the United States was saved!
Serbia, since she first won independence several decades earlier as the first Slav State of modern times, wanted an outlet on the Adriatic, but was blocked by Austria, which in 1908 had illegally annexed the former Turkish province of Bosnia-Herzegovina. This annexation was in defiance of the 1878 Treaty of Berlin.
Serbia’s victory in the First Balkan War against Turkey in 1912 was a set-back to Germany. The military and territorial success of this small Slav State threatened not only Austria’s predominance in the Balkans, but also Germany’s desire to be the predominant European power in Turkey.
The loss of Turkish Balkan territory in Europe to Serbia was a victory for Russian sentiment. The Russians stimulated German animosity. The racial concept of “Teuton” against “Slav” was a force for conflict to some degree. Jews were very much aware of this and managed to exploit the conflict.
According to Austrian Chief of Staff, Count von Moltke, as it was recorded in his diary the Kaiser said:
“Austria has to act vigorously against the foreign Slavs because she would otherwise lose her power over the Serbs in the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy [Krajina and Bosnian Serbs].
Germany’s growing strength was everywhere apparent. In the spring of 1913 her standing army, which a year earlier had been increased to 544,000 men, was increased further to 661,000.
Why were Germans making such claims and preparing for the war, when the war didn’t even break out yet? Was their government being manipulated by unknown third party (the big white elephant in the room)? I would say so…
In the immediate aftermath of the Balkan Wars, it was not Germany but her neighbor and ally Austria that instigated the war. As a result of Austrian pressure, Turkey agreed to the creation of an independent Albania, effectively cutting Serbia off from access to the Adriatic Sea.
The Kaiser expressed his support for any Austrian action to force Serbia out of Albania… On 18 October 1913 the Austrian Government sent an ultimatum to Belgrade, demanding the evacuation of Albania by Serbian forces within eight days. The Serbs complied.
As stated by Franz Josef in “I am certain that you are convinced that any agreement with Serbia is out of the question.”
From: James Cameron book 1914 published 1959
After the assignation of Assassination of Archduke, the German newspaper Kreuzzeitung proclaimed, “No Great Power can afford to be taunted and challenged by a small weak neighbor” so once again if German people were so innocent, couldn’t they see that they were being manipulated by the Jews? Not all Germans wanted to go to war there were people who opposed the war, but it in the end the government made the final say so.
On the other hand in another German newspaper the headline ran stating:
“Germania assured its readers the Austrian action would liberate Europe from a terrible nightmare.”
Germany (as had Western European powers before them) allied themselves with the Ottoman Turks who’d suppressed, exploited and tortured the Eastern Orthodox Christians for over 500 years. German government was already taken over by the Rothschilds — they controlled all the banks. All of this was discussed here before.
The Jews were also very powerful and influential in Ottoman Turkey, holding high positions even at Istanbul. Two major factors led to Ottoman involvement on the side of the Central Powers: German pressure and the opportunism of Turkish minister of war Enver Pasha. Turkey had lost much of its empire before the war and wanted to get it back from Britain and France.
Other motives for joining the Central Powers were the German victories early in the War and Turkey’s friction with the Triple Entente. Germany’s desire was to keep Turkey from joining the enemy (and by gaining Ottoman support, encourage Romania and Bulgaria to enter the Alliance). In guiding his government toward alignment with Germany, Enver was able to play on fear of the traditional Ottoman enemy, Russia, the ally of Britain and France in the war.
The German military mission of 1913 to Turkey under Liman von Sanders organized the Turkish army and navy under German leadership and brought forth the Turco-German Alliance. The secret treaty (only five people in Turkey were aware of it, one being Enver Pasha) was signed 2 August 1914.
The West deviated from the truth long time ago, Red shields (or in German Rothschild) managed to exploit the West in order to gain power. The Rothschild Jews managed to exploit the West because the West was prosperous. They knew the only way to control the riches was to exploit and convince their governments and control their wealth.
The South Eastern Europeans were economically exploited, pillaged, murdered, enslaved (and forcibly took Christian children, then converted them into Muslim Janissaries), raped, butchered under the Ottoman Yoke, and in 1913 the “Young Turk” government was a German/Austro-Hungarian ally.
The Russian Czar kept the Jews in check, and Jews hated him for that, Jews conspired against the Czars throughout the 19th century and planned to overthrow him. (You know what happened next…)
See here for an overview of the causes of WWI: http://firstworldwar.com/origins/causes.htm
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