November 19, 2012
Hitler and Bormann, left.
(From May, 2011)
One of my most important articles, reprised for those who don’t know the bitter truth.
Gen. Gehlen’s memoirs contain the smoking gun. Hitler was an Illuminati agent mandated to lead Germany into a catastrophic war where German nationalism would be destroyed once and for all. .
by Henry Makow Ph.D.
In the past, I have presented evidence that Martin Bormann, the man who signed Hitler’s paycheck, was a Soviet, i.e. Illuminati agent; but I was not sure if Hitler was also a conscious traitor.
The testimony of General Reinhard Gehlen, Chief of Abwehr Intelligence for Russia, suggests that he was.
In his memoirs, “The Service” (World Pub.1972) Gehlen says that he and Admiral Canaris, head of the Abwehr, suspected there was a traitor in the German Supreme Command.
Both had noticed that the Soviets were receiving “rapid and detailed information .. on top level decision-making.”
They both suspected Martin Bormann, the Deputy Fehrer and Head of the Nazi Party.
“Our suspicions were largely confirmed when, independently of one another, we found out that Bormann and his group were operating an unsupervised radio transmitter network and using it to send coded messages to Moscow.
When OKW monitors reported this, Canaris demanded an investigation; but word came back that Hitler himself had emphatically forbidden any intervention: he had been informed in advance of these Funkspiele, or “fake radio messages,” and he had approved them” (p.71).
Despite the fact that vital information continued to leak, Gehlen and Canaris left it at that. ” Neither of us was in any position to denounce the Reichsleiter [Bormann] with any prospect of success.”
In his book “Hitler’s Traitor” Louis Kilzer estimated that Bormann was worth fifty divisions to the Soviets.
After the war, Gehlen, who headed the BND (West German Intelligence Agency) was able to confirm Bormann’s treason. “During the 1950’s, I was passed two separate reports from behind the Iron Curtain to the effect that Bormann had been a Soviet agent…’
The fact that Hitler shielded Bormann confirms that he also was an active traitor. Both served the Illuminati (Masonic) bankers, i.e. the Rothschild syndicate, based in London. The Illuminati were also behind Stalin and Communism, not to mention Churchill, and FDR.
By fabricating war, the Illuminati wage war on humanity with the ultimate goal of a veiled world government dictatorship.
Think 9-11, “The Patriot Act,” the TSA. Behind the veil of democracy and fighting “terror,” they are constructing a police state.
In the winter of 1941-42, Gehlen and fellow generals had concluded that the Russian campaign was doomed “not because it could not be militarily or politically won, but because of Hitler’s continued interference, that resulted in such elementary blunders that defeat was inevitable.” (98)
Despite the fact that Hitler had covered for the traitor Bormann, Gehlen didn’t come to the obvious deduction, that Hitler’s “elementary blunders” were deliberate.
In his book, Gehlen details some of these blunders.
The General Staff wanted to concentrate resources on capturing Moscow. Hitler insisted on dissipating the effort on three fronts.
The General Staff saw that the Soviets were going to entrap the Sixth Army at Stalingrad, and demanded a strategic withdrawal. Hitler vetoed this and 200,000 of Germany’s best troops (and irreplaceable weaponry) were killed and captured.
To replace these losses, the General Staff wanted to recruit millions of willing volunteers from anti-Communist ranks, i.e. Russians, Ukrainians, Lithuanians etc.
“After 20 years of arbitrary injustice and terror, the re-establlishment of elementary human rights such as the dignity of man, liberty, justice, and the sanctity of property united every inhabitant of the Soviet empire in a common readiness to support the Germans.” (81)
The Wehrmacht began to build a nationalist regime around the charismatic Russian defector, General Vlasov.
Indeed, such an appeal was Stalin’s worst nightmare, according to his son, who became a POW.
“The one thing my father dreads is the emergence of a nationalist regime opposed to him. But that is a step you’ll never take.” Yakov told his Nazi interrogator. “Because we know you have not set out to liberate our country but to conquer it.” (80)
Stalin knew he could trust Hitler, a fellow Illuminati agent, to take a fall. Hitler didn’t even try to deceive the Slavs about his grim intentions for them, and instead of being welcomed, won their implacable hate.
World War Two was the most egregious hoax in history. A cult of satanic (Sabbatean) Jews and Masons, financed by the Rothschild syndicate, is responsible for destroying more than sixty million lives.
Hitler proved by his actions that he was a traitor. He was installed by the Illuminati to destroy Germany so that it would slip neatly into the NWO.
(Left, Hitler was elected too)
Hitler was catastrophic for Germany. But what did the German people expect from a Viennese vagrant and male prostitute?
A comparison with Barack Obama is pertinent. Like Hitler, he is not native born and has a shady homosexual past. He works for the Illuminati. His assignment is to destroy the US, so Americans too will meekly accept world government.
Hitler’s example reveals the unexpected dimensions of treason. If we fail to learn the lessons of the past, we will repeat them.
Related- Damning Evidence- Martin Bormann was a Rothschild Agent
——— Was Hitler an Illuminati Agent?
— 1924 French Police File Card for Adolph Jacob Hitler
Comments for “Hitler and Bormann Were Traitors”
Tim said (May 14, 2011):
Henry: enjoyed (but didn’t agree with) the Borman/Hitler article. Believing anything Gen. Gehlen ever said is ridiculous on the face of it. Gehlen was one of history’s most accomplished liars and propagandists. He came under the tight control of what was to become the CIA very shortly after WWII ended, and remained their puppet and mouthpiece until he died. The USSR didn’t really ‘need’ anything from Bormann. They had the so-called ‘Red Orchestra’ in Berlin, known by the Nazis to be composed of high-ranking military officers opposed to Hitler, regularly supplying the most secret, guarded military information to the ‘Lucy’ spy ring, which broadcast to the Soviets in code from Switzerland, the Nazi order-of-battle just prior to the battle at Kursk (which began the Nazis’ pell-mell retreat,) being one of ‘Lucy’s’ great triumphs.
Attacking Moscow and possibly occupying it would have meant little, as the Russians had plans to simply withdraw east of the Urals in this event, and carry on the fight. No matter how you slice it, Hitler simply did not have enough men and machines to occupy a large part of the Soviet Union at any time after Operation Barbarossa began. Hitler wasn’t ‘installed by the illuminati.’ His party won great victories at the polls in the elections just prior to 1933. He was named as chancellor because popular opinion firmly backed him and Weimar knew it.
The idea that Hitler was gay or a male prostitute is absurd. Possibly someone could name or describe one or more of his boyfriends? He caused the deaths of many homosexuals in his camps. August Kubiezek, the companion of Hitler’s youth relates how he was star-struck by the mysterious ‘Stephanie’ and loved her platonically from a distance back in Linz. He said he lived with Hitler in Vienna for a lengthy time and that Hitler displayed no evidence at any time of homosexuality, mentioning instead that Hitler seemed to intensely dislike most of the people they met, no matter who they were.
Kilzer analyzed the info provided by “Werther” not Lucy and identified Bormann as the only possible source.
Lothar Machthan provides a range of evidence for Hitler’s homosexuality in his “Hidden Hitler.”
Jim said (May 14, 2011):
I couldn’t agree more.
Over the years I’ve studied WW2 extensively and the question of Hitler’s validity has been foremost in my mind. The fact that he allowed the British Isles to remain intact and unoccupied (for the most part) to serve as a staging area for the 1944 invasion defies any kind of military logic whatsoever.
Kurt said (May 14, 2011):
I disagree. It was Canaris who was the traitor and supplied the allies with the enigma code information. Hitler was a dupe who caught on late in the game and was destroyed when he tried to steer Germany on a course of national survival.
Krister said (May 14, 2011):
As Henry did cover in the article “Martin Bormann was Rothschild Agent — Damning Evidence”
, there is strong indications that both Hitler and Bormann were agents of the Illuminati. If so we might see reasons of the handlers to take out their agents after well done jobs and information on that is given in the book OPJB by former SOE operative Christopher Creighton (in WWII named John Ainsworth-Davis). Related to this article also come an e-mail from Creightons co-writer and intelligence pal, Greg Hallet where he gives some more details of the escape of Hitler and Bormann.
Just want to inform that this e-mail was made into an short illustrated PDF-story of the event, that students of history might find interesting. This story and PDF is located at the Red Ice Creations site and the link to the PDF is here:
The Hitler Escape
JT said (May 13, 2011):
so right you are. And not only did they install an Austrian faggot, they also got pear-shaped Khazar Helmut Kohn (known as Kohl) into the wide seat his fat ass required, as chance-el-or, who was right there with fellow Illuminati Garbagekopf in USSR for the unifickation of Germany. Pffft, and now a faggot Kenian slinky pimp, and they ate that too, this time the Ummericans. They must feel like they could have Charlie Manson as Climate Czar and they would swallow it, those whose time is quickly approaching.
It is well known here that Mr. Adolf Knucklefuck spent his many years (in part) in the country I am currently writing from, Argentina. Juan D. Peron, local Rothschild-Mason-Propaganda 2 pimp, got installed and oiled the wheels while this happened. There is a local historian with a published book in Spanish, Abel Basti, who has written about this piece of Austrian excrement living here, with direct testimony of people who saw him, now at the end of their lives, but very young when this ocurred. It is well know here, as I said, if you care to listen.
A great piece, Henry. So necesarry. Send it to Germany. They will love it.
Henry Makow is the author of A Long Way to go for a Date. He received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto. He welcomes your feedback and ideas at
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Bill said (May 16, 2011):
Hitler was “discovered” just as Woodrow Wilson and Barack Obama and hundreds of others were discovered and groomed for leadership. The shadowy Thule Society was the creator and sponsor of the National Socialist Party and one gets the feeling that the Communist anarchy in Germany in the ’20s was deliberately done so as to bring about a right-wing ruling party like the Nazis. Hitler was guided by powerful ‘friendly’ forces until near the end when perhaps he realized his fate. But by then it was too late.