In its report on the UK, the IMF warned that the British government’s current economic policies could further set back any progress towards recovery.
“Fiscal easing and further use of the government’s balance sheet should be considered if downside risks materialise and the recovery fails to take off”, said the IMF in its annual report.
Britain entered a double-dip recession in the first quarter of 2012 after decline in its economic growth in two consecutive quarters. During the last three months of 2011, Britain’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) plunged by 0.3% and in the first quarter of 2012, the British economy contracted by 0.2%.
This comes as British Prime Minister David Cameron said Britain must stand by its tough austerity measures this month and British Chancellor George Osborne blamed the eurozone debt crisis for Britain’s ailing economy.
Nevertheless, after official figures showed the eurozone avoided a double-dip recession, the British press launched a scathing attack on British officials with The Independent saying efforts by Britain to blame its return to recession on the eurozone have failed.
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