‘Iran missile system developing well’

Speaking on the sidelines of a ceremony commemorating the Iranian National Army Day in Tehran on Tuesday, Brigadier General Vahidi said that the production of an alternate (air defense) missile system for the S-300 is underway, adding that the production has progressed and has yielded good results.

Vahidi added that the relevant information about the latest developments in the production of the sophisticated missile system will be announced within the current Iranian calendar year (started March 20).

Executive Deputy Head of Khatam al-Anbia Air Defense Base General Shahrokh Shahram said last October that the Iranian alternate for the S300, the Bavar-373 system, is more advanced than the Russian version in terms of defense against aircraft and cruise missiles.

He said that the S-300 system cannot meet Iran’s present defense demands as threats have changed radically since a decision was made to purchase the S-300 anti-aircraft missile defense system from Russia.

Under a contract signed in 2007, Russia was required to provide Iran with at least five S-300 air-defense systems. However, Moscow’s continuous delays in delivering the defense system drew criticism from Tehran on several occasions.

Russia has been refusing to deliver the system to Iran under the pretext that the system is covered by the fourth round of the UN Security Council resolutions against Iran.


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