‘Iran self-reliant in building naval gear’

“We are now entirely capable of manufacturing naval equipment inside the country,” utilizing the skills and capabilities of Iranian experts, IRNA quoted Sayyari as saying on Tuesday.

He noted that Iran is no longer in need of assistance from other states in the production of any naval apparatus due to the potentials of its young scientists and experts.

Sayyari also announced last month that the Islamic Republic has acquired the know-how to manufacture aircraft carriers.

The Navy commander argued that Iran’s defense doctrine differs from that of the colonialists and is contrary to the expansionist policies of the hegemonic powers, adding the Islamic Republic’s defense strategies are aimed at serving its national interests.

Iran has started a self-sufficiency campaign in the defense industry and has launched numerous military projects since the victory of the Islamic Revolution over 30 years ago.

The Iranian Navy launched its first domestically-manufactured destroyer, Jamaran, in the waters of the Persian Gulf in February 2010.

The 1,420-ton destroyer is equipped with modern radars and other electronic warfare capabilities. The country also unveiled its new submarine, named Ghadir, in 2007.


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