Iran unveils new laser-guided missiles and warns response to any hostile action will be ‘regretful but destructive’

  • Iran claims its missiles can hit moving targets with a ‘high degree of precision’

Emily Allen

Last updated at 8:54 AM on 31st January 2012

Iran has issued a stark warning to the West vowing that response to any hostile action will be ‘regretful but destructive’.

As tensions over its disputed nuclear programme continue to rise General Masoud Jazayeri, spokesman for Iran’s Joint Armed Forces Staff, said: ‘We will rigorously confront any
threat or hostile behaviour, and our response will be definitely
regretful and destructive.

‘We hope this (kind of behaviour) would not
take place, but if it happens then the history will remember whether the
Americans or the Iranians were bluffing.’

The General’s words came as Iran claimed it had produced ‘intelligent’ laser-guided artillery shells which can spot and hit moving targets with very high degrees of precision.


Claims: Iran has produced 'intelligent' laser-guided artillery shells which can spot and hit moving targets with very high degrees of precision

Claims: Iran has produced ‘intelligent’ laser-guided artillery shells (pictured) which can spot and hit moving targets with very high degrees of precision

Defence Minister Ahmad Vahidi hailed
what he described as ‘intelligent munitions’ as a new chapter in the
country’s weapons and military equipment.

‘Besides America and Russia, there are only three other countries which have this technology,’ he said.

Tension between Iran and the West have been escalating over the past few weeks over whether Iran is harbouring nuclear weapons.

The unveiling of the missiles came amid this stark warning from the Iranian military which vowed to 'rigorously confront any threat or hostile action'

The unveiling of the missiles came amid this stark warning from the Iranian military which vowed to ‘rigorously confront any threat or hostile action’

The missile, unveiled on Iranian television, have been described as a new chapter in the country's weapons and military equipment

The missile, unveiled on Iranian television, have been described as a new chapter in the country’s weapons and military equipment

Today, Foreign Minister Ali Akbar Salehi offered to extend the current visit of U.N. nuclear weapons inspectors and said he was optimistic their findings would help ease tensions.

The three day visit by the Atomic Energy Agency team began on Sunday and followed reports in November that suggested some of the Islamic Republic’s alleged experiments were focused on developing nuclear weapons.

Salehi said he was ‘optimistic about the results of
the visit’ without offering more details and he also told Turkish state
television that the U.N. mission could be ‘extended if necessary’.

Suspicions: Technicians work at the reactor building at Bushehr nuclear power plant, 750 miles south of Tehran. Iran has always insisted its nuclear programme is for peaceful purposes

Suspicions: Technicians work at the reactor building at Bushehr nuclear power plant, 750 miles south of Tehran

The findings could
greatly influence Western efforts to expand economic pressures on Iran
over its uranium enrichment – which Washington and allies fear could
eventually produce weapons-grade material.

Iran has declined to abandon
its enrichment labs, but claims it seeks to fuel reactors only for
energy and medical research.

The inspectors are likely to visit an underground enrichment site
near Qom, 80 miles south of Tehran, which is carved
into a mountain as protection from possible airstrikes.

Security: A satellite image of Lavizan Shiyan - a restricted area in Tehran - which was completely dismantled after it was suspected of harbouring missile equipment

Security: A satellite image of Lavizan Shiyan – a restricted area in Tehran – which was completely dismantled after it was suspected of harbouring missile equipment

Earlier this
month, Iran said it had begun enrichment work at the site, which is far
smaller than the country’s main uranium labs but is reported to have
more advanced equipment.

The IAEA team also wants to talk to key
Iranian scientists suspected of working on a weapons program. The team
also plans to inspect documents related to nuclear work and secure
commitments from Iranian authorities to allow future visits.

Oil prices have been driven higher in
recent weeks by Iran’s warnings that it could block the Strait of Hormuz
at the mouth of the Gulf, the route for about one-fifth of the world’s

Last week, the American aircraft carrier USS Abraham Lincoln,
joined by French and British warships, entered the Gulf in a show of
strength against any attempts to disrupt oil tanker traffic.


Here’s what other readers have said. Why not add your thoughts,
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I predict three major events in 2012. The Euro will collapse, there will be a massive tragic event in the UK and WW3 will start.
– Iacapa, Lurgan N.Ireland and UKIP., 31/1/2012 14:31
—————-All in time for 21 Dec

I predict three major events in 2012. The Euro will collapse, there will be a massive tragic event in the UK and WW3 will start.

You would think that with worldwide technology a substitute could be found for oil and that nuclear power could also be used. This could be WW3 in the offing. Don’t even think about it Cameron. Let them be. The UK has interferred in too many countries and now has too many enemies, thanks to Blair and now you. If you are going to war, you may now place your order for tanks, ships and planes from Toy T us.

Another frightened despot trying to throw his weight about in case the West does something. All bluff and bluster, backed by a few weapons, but enough to take on the West? I fear their organised terrorism on Western target more, that is what their real intentions are, and they are quite intent upon using it.

North Korea we failed miserably, Viet Nam, Afghanistan now. None of these countries are half as powerful as Iran and they’ve done alright. – Jim, Southampton, England, 31/1/2012 8:42===============North Korea was a surprise attack that was repulsed rather quickly. It was only the intervention of 400,000 Chinese troops that prevented the complete destruction of the country. Viet Nam not as strong as Iran? Surely you jest. Plus they received the latest Soviet technology along with Russian pilots yet we still wiped out most of the country and it was settled in a peace conference. Afghanistan? Who lost that war? The regime changed and is being taught to defend itself. This isn’t 1981 with Soviet tanks rolling back into the USSR with their tails between their legs. Study your history before posting such rubbish.

Many of us are just waiting to see what form the next ”Flase Flag” operation will take!
The worst perpetrators of terrorism on the face of the Earth, have been the G5 Puppet Governments.

‘Besides America and Russia, there are only three other countries which have this technology,’ he said. , now we know the yanks didnt flog them some, i wonder who did lol

America and Blair went into Iraq on the pretense of them having WOMD, and of course they didn’t have any. Now they know Iran definately has WOMD, they will um and ah, then back off, you watch. (Bush and Blair have already cleared off with their millions from the weapons and oil companies and are doing OK thank you).

Camels do not count as ‘moving targets’, therefore we do not have too much to worry about.

Let’s get on with the war, shall we? Iraq is over and Afghanistan is nearing the end. Getting bored here.

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