Iran urges enhanced ties with Oman

“Iran and Oman should make efforts to raise the level of bilateral cooperation in various fields,” said President Ahmadinejad in a telephone conversation with Omani Sultan Qaboos bin Said on Wednesday.

He expressed hope that the regional developments would bring dignity to the Iranian and Omani people, and other nations.

Sultan Qaboos offered his congratulations to the Iranian government and nation on the occasion of Nowruz and called for the expansion of bilateral cooperation.

Enhanced cooperation between Tehran and Muscat will be beneficial to regional peace and security, the Omani monarch pointed out.

The Iranian chief executive also highlighted the significance of expanding relations with Nigeria in a separate telephone conversation with Nigerian President Goodluck Jonathan on Wednesday.

Ahmadinejad said the two countries have potential to promote relations.

“Under the circumstances that the world needs a new order, Iran and Nigeria can play a leading role regarding the issue by bolstering cooperation,” said the Iranian president.

The Nigerian president also lauded ‘the firm and amicable’ relations between Tehran and Abuja, saying both sides enjoy great commonalities which should be used to boost cooperation to an appropriate level.


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