Jews’ commie lackey Obama reconciles the Judaized US with the Jews’ commie regime in Cuba

Jews’ commie lackey Obama reconciles the Judaized US with the Jews’ commie regime in Cuba


Predictably the Jews’ commie lackey Obama has not only bailed out financially the Jews’ vested interests under the failed communist government of Cuba, but has also just recently announced that he will be completely undoing the traditional righteous White Christian American opposition to the Jews’ commie soviet of Cuba, by “normalizing” relationships between the two countries ASAP, just as the Judaized US has already “normalized” its relationship with communist China, and with communist Vietnam, which claimed the lives of 58,000 of the best American males for the goyim-hating Jews in the Jew orchestrated military-industrial complex “cash cow” of the Vietnam War in the 1960s.

This is thoroughly “predictable”, especially at this late stage of Obama’s two-term presidency as a parting gesture of loyalty to his Jew handlers entrenched in and effectively running the US government, but also because it was always the Jews’ intention to undo the traditionally White Christian European republic of the US, so the finance Jews and their corporate lackeys, especially in the global military-industrial complex, could cash in on a new East-West macro-economic dialectic and a new Cold War between a nominally Christian, ‘anti-Jewish’, anti-US neoconservative Russia in the East and a new and unified soviet of pro-communist cultural Marxist regimes in the Americas in the West.


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Obama’s dirty deal with Raul [Castro] will make the worst president in American history Castro’s new best friend. Carter couldn’t save Castro, but Obama did. This was not a prisoner exchange. This was a Communist bailout. Obama boasted that he would increase the flow of money to Cuba from businesses, from bank accounts and from trade. When he said, “We’re significantly increasing the amount of money that can be sent to Cuba”, that was his real mission statement.

The Castro regime is on its last legs. Its sponsors in Moscow and Caracas are going bankrupt due to failing energy prices. The last hope of the Butcher of Havana was a bailout from Washington D.C. And that’s exactly what Obama gave him. Obama has protected the Castros from regime change as if Communist dictators are an endangered species.

Obama’s support for an elected dictator in Honduras should have warned Americans that their newly elected leader viewed men like Zelaya favorably and constitutions and the separation of powers between the branches of government unfavorably. It also showcased his agenda for Latin America. His embrace of Raul Castro brings that agenda out into the open even if he still insists in wrapping it in dishonest claims about “freedom” and “openness” while bailing out a Communist dictatorship.

Mandela memorial service (30)

Obama began his Castro speech with a lie, declaring, “The United States of America is changing its relationship with the people of Cuba.” The Cuban people have no relationship with the United States because they have no free elections and no say in how they are governed. The only Cubans who have a relationship with the United States fled here on rafts. Obama did not make his dirty deal with the Cuban people. He made it in a marathon phone call with the Cuban dictator.

When Obama claims that his deal with Raul Castro represents a new relationship with the people of Cuba, he is endorsing a Communist dictatorship as the legitimate representative of the Cuban people. This is a retroactive endorsement of the Castro regime and its entire history of mass murder and political terror. Obama is not trying to “open up” Cuba as he claimed. He likes Cuba just the way it is; Communist and closed. ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

Obama did not consult the Cuban people, just as he did not consult the American people. He disregarded the embargo, Congress, the Constitution and the freedom of the Cuban people. His dictatorial disregard of the embargo, which can only be eliminated by Congress, in order to support a dictatorship, is a disturbing reminder that the road he is walking down leads to a miserable tyranny. Cuban-American senators from both parties have been unanimous in condemning the move.

These senators are the closest thing to Cuban elected officials. But Obama disregarded Senator Menendez, a man of his own party, Senator Marco Rubio and Senator Ted Cruz. Instead Obama chose to stand with Raul Castro and his Communist dictatorship.

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Further reading …

FBI: Cuban Intelligence Aggressively Recruiting Leftist American Academics as Spies, Influence Agents

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