Khawaja enters day 64 of hunger strike

Al-Khawaja called his family on Thursday and confirmed that he will continue his hunger strike , despite the deterioration of his health.

The rights activist, the co-founder and former president of the Bahrain Center for Human Rights, was arrested in April last year for participating in anti-regime protests. Al-Khawaja is now serving a life sentence for his role in the ongoing revolution.

On Wednesday, Bahraini demonstrators took to the streets in the northeastern town of Sitra demanding the release of al-Khawaja.

Protesters continue their demonstrations against the US-sponsored Al Khalifa family across the country as regime forces persist with brutal crackdown on peaceful protests.

Bahraini activists say seven people have been killed due to inhalation of toxic tear gas since March 17, 2012.

Anti-regime demonstrators hold King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa responsible for the death of protesters during the popular uprising that began in the Persian Gulf state in February 2011.


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