Lego to expand Czech production

A child looks at Lego models

Danish toymaker Lego will expand a factory in the Czech Republic, creating around 800 new jobs.
Source: AAP

DANISH toymaker Lego says it will expand a factory in the Czech Republic and create some 800 jobs to meet growing regional demand for its popular building blocks.

Carsten Rasmussen of Lego’s European packing division did not reveal the size of the investment except to say it was “a large two-digit million euro figure”.

Rasmussen said on Tuesday that the privately owned company’s strategy of having factories close to core markets in Europe and North America had proved successful.

The expansion, of some 30 per cent, is expected to be completed by 2015.

Last year, Lego saw sales climb 25 per cent in part due to a new series of building blocks designed for girls that sold better than expected with production units unable to meet demand.

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