Man gets 6 years for cutting wife’s throat

An Indian-born man who slit his wife’s throat with a box cutter after their marriage deteriorated has been jailed for at least six years for her manslaughter.

In the NSW Supreme Court on Thursday, Justice Peter McClellan said Chamanjot Singh launched a ferocious attack on his wife, first strangling her then cutting her throat at least eight times.

Last month, Singh, 24, was found not guilty of murder but guilty of the manslaughter of Manpreet Kaur, on December 29, 2009, at Westmead in Sydney’s west.

The jury accepted he was provoked by his wife after he testified she had told him she had never loved him and loved another man.

He also spoke of losing control after her brother in India made offensive remarks about Singh’s mother in a phone call.

The judge said Singh had been an immature young man, far from his family in India, and did not have the personal resources to deal with the deteriorating marriage.

He set a maximum term of eight years and noted it was inevitable Singh would be deported after serving his sentence.

Outside the court, the victim’s sister, Jaspreet Kaur, criticised the sentence, saying “very bad law in Australia”.

She wept as she told journalists her brother-in-law had lied when he told the jury her sister had been having an affair.

“They believed it (but) they did not have any proof, they didn’t show anything in the court, they don’t know who the guy is,” she said.

Ms Kaur said her sister’s mobile phone was checked for calls involving her alleged lover, but police found nothing.

“Several times I told her, just leave this man, he is not for you, she said no he is my husband, I will definitely survive with him,” she said.

“She was really the best sister in this whole world.”

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