Police Deliver Milk

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So let’s start with who caused more terror in Boston? The police with warrantless searches of countless houses at gun point or the bomber? I know that there are a ton of conspiracies out there on the Boston bombing. But one thing we can all agree on is that the government did not waste the opportunity to test the police state model.

I wonder how many firearms were illegally confiscated from homes during the door to door search yesterday. The media promoted this event as a heroic adventure. 9,000 law enforcement officers to find 1 suspect who was actually found by someone taking a smoke break. Obama says we owe the government gratitude for a week of terror. I say that AMERICA is in distress and this is the first domino in the new world order and a police state in America.

In the media they are now promoting that martial law means Free Pizza. Evil is selling it to you. The local police did a duty bringing milk to a family with a 16 month year old because they could not leave their house to get milk?

Martial law is a direct violation of our constitution and is 1 step closer to the One World Government

Ps. if there is Marshall Law who is delivering the Pizza?

Give me liberty, Give me freedom,

Kristan T. Harris