Monsanto Roundup deadly to all

Everything You Never Wanted to Know About
Monsanto’s Modus Operandi (M.O.)

Monsanto Roundup


If You Think Monsanto’s Roundup is a Safer Pesticide, Please read the articles and papers on this page !
Because all herbicides are pesticides, Roundup is a pesticide as defined by the EPA.

Monsanto bribes, cheats, lies, steals, kills, . . .

If you’re still not convinced that Roundup is a highly toxic and persistent pesticide, read on, while at the same time remembering the other contributions that Monsanto has made to society such as:

Saccharin, Astroturf, agent orange, dioxin, sulphuric acid, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), plastics and synthetic fabrics, research on uranium for the Manhattan Project that led to the construction of nuclear bombs, styrene monomer, an endless line of pesticides and herbicides (Roundup), rBGH (recombinant bovine growth hormone that makes cows ill), genetically engineered crops (corn, potatoes, tomatoes, soy beans, cotton), and it’s most significant product to date; Lies, Factual Distortions and Omissions.  Here’s one of the distortions that Monsanto had on its website a while back. “Sustainability – the idea that the resources and people of this world are finite. That for any business decision we make, we must consider the effect it will have on us and our children. That the products we make must not use up all of a natural resource, or even worse, contaminate what is left behind.”

Take a look at what Monsanto is doing to Canadian canola farmer Percy Schmeiser. And he’s far from being the sole recipient of Monsanto’s vengeful wrath. Hundreds, perhaps thousands of farmers around the world are being sued after Monsanto’s police “find” their patented crops on the farmers’ lands without paying for use of the technology.  Also see theMonsanto Technology Agreement, in which farmers must sign away all rights in order to sow Monsanto seed


Monsanto Viciously Threatens, Bullies and Ruins Farmers

Genetic Engineering and Productivity 


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