New wing will ‘help fathom mysteries’

The Museum of Contemporary Art (MCA) expects to draw large crowds to its new wing with the southern hemisphere preview of what’s described as a 21st century masterpiece.

Designed in the shape of stacked cubes, the new building was officially opened by NSW Premier Barry O’Farrell and federal Arts Minister Simon Crean on Wednesday.

MCA director Elizabeth Ann Macgregor said the $53 million wing will provide Sydneysiders and tourists with unique contemporary artworks from all over the world.

A highlight will be the video installation The Clock, a compilation of several thousand short extracts from cinema history by Swiss-American artist Christian Marclay.

“The Clock is one of the masterpieces of the 21st century,” Ms Macgregor said.

Each extract suggests a particular time of day or references a specific moment, often through the appearance of a watch or clock-face.

The extracts are stitched together to form a continuous sequence synchronised with the real time of a the viewer’s visit.

The installations runs for 24 hours and there will be 24-hour screenings every Thursday during the exhibition.

Mr O’Farrell said the gallery’s new wing would boost visitor numbers and help people fathom everyday mysteries.

“More than 500,000 people visit the MCA each year and this redevelopment boost its potential to make the MCA a must-visit for international tourists,” Mr O’Farrell said.

“Contemporary art, art in general, teaches us about the society in which we live.

“It helps us to fathom some of the mysteries that we put up with every day.”

The new Mordant wing was jointly funded by the NSW and federal governments, the City of Sydney and private donors.

It will open to the public on Thursday.

The main MCA building is currently being refurbished.

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