Stephen Lendman | Jan 19, 2013 | Sabbah Report
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Media misinformation on what matters most exceeds it manyfold. Billions suffer globally at home and abroad.
A personal note: I’m one of your fiercest critics. I’m certainly one of the most outspoken. My critiques are justified. I don’t prepare them lightly.
I scrupulously strive for truth and full disclosure. If only Times writers, contributors and editors maintained similar standards.
You fall woefully short. I explained often in detail. I hoist you on your own petard. It gives me no joy doing it.
I’m old enough to remember June 9, 1954. My sophomore college year just ended. McCarthy witch-hunt communist hearings got headlines. Harvard Law Dean Ervin Griswold called him “judge, jury, prosecutor, castigator, and press agent, all in one.”
He personified evil. In June 1954, he met his match. Army lawyer Joe Welch challenged his spurious accusation about one of his attorneys having communist organization ties.
I watched him live that June 4 day. I and other viewers heard his powerful putdown, saying:
“Until this moment, Senator, I think I never really gauged your cruelty or recklessness.” McCarthy shot back.
Welch angrily interrupted, adding “Let us not assassinate this lad further, senator. You have done enough. Have you no sense of decency?”
Overnight, McCarthy’s popularity plunged. Senate censure followed. It ruined him. In 1957, he died a broken man at age 48. He wasn’t missed.
I recount this because evil has many forms. McCarthy ruined many lives. Innocent people suffered grievously.
Managed news misinformation is far worse. Countries are ravaged and destroyed. Millions die. Many more suffer. McCarthy paid for his villainy. Media scoundrels freely commit grievous harm daily.
Stevie Wonder song lyrics called apartheid “wrong, wrong, wrong.”
Media misinformation on what matters most exceeds it manyfold. Billions suffer globally at home and abroad.
A friend once suggested I contribute. I said my only chance is if a same-named publication exists on another planet.
My views aren’t welcome. Nor are those of others who write truthfully about what matters most.
I target you because your articles, commentaries and editorials have global reach. What you report, worldwide media and influential figures repeat.
I’m independent. I choose topics and address them freely. No one directs me. I do it because it matters. I care about other people.
Those most disadvantaged, deprived, persecuted, harmed, and abused concern me most. A better world is possible. Everyone deserves equity, justice, rule of law protection, and real democracy. No other reasons drive me.
I call today perhaps the most perilous time in world history. It’s true. It matters. It’s frightening. Times reports should explain. Instead they support dark forces imperiling us.
I agonize over why you back wrong over right. Replicating what I and others like me do could improve millions of lives globally. You could deal warmongers a heavy body blow. Perhaps a fatal one.
You could challenge both parties responsibly. They have much to answer for. They betray their constituents and others that spurn them. You could demand they:
- put money power back in public hands where it belongs;
- enact progressive policies;
- save and improve social America;
- curb corporate power;
- obey, not violate international, US statute, and constitutional laws;
- get money entirely out of politics;
- aid impoverished millions;
- run free, fair and open elections;
- let independent candidates compete freely;
- stress environment conservation over financial gain;
- strengthen the disappearing middle class;
- safeguard vital entitlements;
- mandate universal healthcare;
- save public education;
- support organized labor;
- protect human and civil rights;
- shut down predatory banks;
- prosecute corporate crooks;
- reinstate progressive taxes;
- end corporate personhood; and
- much more.
You could condemn bipartisan anti-democratic policies. They’re pro-war, pro-business, pro-privilege, pro-super wealth, anti-progressive; anti-dissent, anti-freedom, and anti-government of, by, and for everyone equitably and fairly.
Obama replicates the worst of George Bush. It’s your job to explain. Instead, you support what you should condemn. Honest journalism demands better.
You back wrong over right. I explain often. I expose your managed news deception.
It’s never to late to change. Supporting what’s right is its own reward. Try it sometime and see. You may never look back.
Questions for Reflection
Do imperial wars bother you? Does human suffering matter? Is business as usual OK? Are sham elections? Is democracy for the few alone?
Do corporate interests count more than popular ones? Do wealth, power, privilege, and unchallenged dominance alone matter? What about an unconscionable growing wealth gap?
How about corporate and political lawlessness? What about a private banking cartel controlling America’s money? Is looting the federal Treasury OK? What about reckless money printing OK to serve them?
Do growing poverty, homelessness, hunger and despair concern you? What about deepening social decay symptomatic of national decline?
How about growing millions worldwide calling America a pariah state for good reason? Waging political, economic, social, and hot wars put it in a class by itself.
Are you concerned? Is this the America you support? Dare you call it beautiful?
You have global clout. You could use it responsibly. You could expose what’s wrong and help reverse it. You’d be heroic for trying.
It bears repeating. Doing the right thing is its own reward. So is good journalism. Try it sometime and see.
Try publishing “All the News That’s Fit to Print” for real. Perhaps you’ll never look back and go another way.
I and millions of others will be loyal supporters. My articles will eulogize, not condemn you. How about that offer you can’t refuse. Think about it.
A Final Comment
Western print and broadcast media match or exceed the worst of NYT misreporting, commentaries and analysis. They all bear full responsibility. Readers, viewers and listeners are systematically betrayed. They’re lied to.
Disreputable sources abound. Major broadsheets, other publications, corporate radio, US broadcasters, cable channels, BBC, CBC, National Public Radio, Public Broadcasting, Al Jazeera, and many others share responsibility.
Their daily fare isn’t fit to print or broadcast. They feature everything but truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth on what matters most.
Their unconscionable warmongering is worst of all. When America goes to war or plans one, they march obediently in lockstep. They represent a virtual Noah’s Ark of scam artists.
Savvy readers and viewers avoid them. Maybe some day everyone will choose credible alternative sources. Perhaps doing so will make major media a public service. Imagine the difference that would make.
Article by Stephen Lendman | © Sabbah Report:
- Dangerous social media games – When a state must pay citizens to fight its online public relations wars, it has already lost. | Jilian Cork | Al Jazeera | Jan 13, 2012
- Israel’s student debate champions: “hasbara” (propaganda) agents for the state, says their coach| Ali Abunimah | Jan 10, 2012
- Israel’s “pretty face”: How National Union of Israeli Students does government’s propaganda dirty work| Ali Abunimah | Jan 5, 2012
- Israeli students to get $2,000 to spread state propaganda on Facebook | Intifada | Jan 4, 2012
- The sad, sad world of Israel’s big-time liars ~ Stuart Littlewood | Dec 29, 2011
- Ilan Pappe on his first-hand experiences facing pro-Israel intimidation tactics and how to fight back | Intifada | Dec 28, 2011
- Tweeting with the Israeli Military – by Sami Kishawi – Hasbara fail after the Murder of Mustafa Tamimi – Dec 12, 2011
- Ministry of Hasbara: IDF Has Become Israel’s Chief Delegitimizer~ Richard Silverstein – Dec 10, 2011
- How to fight the Israel-Apartheid analogy in four easy steps– A guide for useful Hasbara idiots ~ by Prof. Ran Greenstein | Nov 21, 2011
- Hacking Palestine: A digital occupation – Al Jazeera – Nov 9, 2011
- The We Believe in Israel – Toolkit Final Version! | PDF | Nov 2011
- Tweeting for Israel | Nov 8, 2011
- New app teaches zionism | Oct 5, 2011
- JIDF & Megaphonies Take Down Reddit Page Pointing Out Existence | Aug 10, 2011
- The new Israeli “Hitlist” available online | June 20, 2011
- Israel preparing itself for Twitter war over Palestinian state | May 25, 2011
About Hasbara
- 10 Big Media Lies about Israel
- Checkpoint Washington – Netanyahu: ‘America is a thing you can move very easily’ | How to Keep the ignorant…
- Israel investing $1.6 million in “new media warriors”
- Captain Israel | Sickening Hasbara Magazine
- Hasbara for Dummies-Insulting our Intelligence
- IDF uses propaganda like an authoritarian regime
- What The Media Forgets About Israel
Last but not Least
- Meet the Real Israel – Their own “trophy footage” so no need to discuss – in pictures
Supported by… AIPAC
- AIPAC | Quick Facts
- The Zionization of American politics and how it could be terminated~ by Alan Hart
- AIPAC Bill will Destroy More American Jobs
- AIPAC Protests Disclosure of Its Secret Files
- AIPAC | What Every American Should Know
- AIPAC’s Scandalous Behaviors
- As a Holocaust survivor, AIPAC does not speak for me
- J Street, AIPAC, Palestine and Israel
- Panic from the Houses off Congress & AIPAC
Related videos by Anthony Lawson – The Videos every (American) should watch
Funded by….
- How Many Weapons to Israel?
- Costs of arming Israel can no longer be ignored
- US weapons to Israel deter peace
- New database reveals weapons to Israel, impact on
- US weapons give-a-way to Israel used to kill 735 Palestinian children in past decade
- US Weapons to Israel Are Disincentives to Peace
- Consequences of Israeli Chemical Weapons
- ei: Israel’s blood diamonds
And all those supporting it paying for this…
- Occupation 101 (Full Movie in 11 Parts) – video
- Al Nakba | English | The Full Movie – video
- All Israeli Massacres on Palestinians
Last but not least….
Or listen to Jewish mankind with a real conscience
- New eBook of the International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network | Free Download
- Testimonies | Breaking the Silence | New Database online !
Don’t think it’s about “Arabs” or “Islam”… we are all Goyim!
- Zionist Crimes Against Christianity | 100.000 Christians ethnic cleansed in 1948
- Zionists even torture their own Rabbis who want peace– video
What is hidden even more
- For an overview of All massacred Palestinians in 2011 go here
- For an overview of All Israeli Massacres Palestinians go here
These lists, do not display the avoidable mortality. A clear and statistical factual evidence, about the number of deaths due to indecent ruling by occupation forces. For even an occupier has obligations under International Laws, Geneva Convention and the Hague regulations, which it is neglecting. These circumstances, together with deliberate policies of the occupier to neglect and even deny every basic human right, severes avoidable mortality which is totally silenced by media or reporting organisations. While in the Holocaust, 1 on 6 Jewish people directly died of deliberate neglect, so if we believe the facts over 1 million due to avoidable mortality, neither should these same circumstances be ignores which are ongoing in Palestine. For this report displays a avoidable morality of at least 0,5 million Palestinians.
How many more dead corpses of Palestinians does the international community need to see in order to act? How many more cruelties and violations of Human Rights, Regulations and International Law will be needed to intervene so this ongoing warcrime is being stopped once and for all?
The Rockets from Gaza Excuse
The Facts
So you only read melodramatic stories about home made unguided firecrackers flying from Gaza, zionism magnifying the flares untill the average ignorant thinks we’re talking 12 meter high nuclear head detonation (chemical nuclear or toxic) loaded warhead carrrying long range missiles.
While in fact, the “TENS OF THOUSANDS ROCKETS” which are allegedly “launched” by Gaza are non detonating, non guided and seldom hit any target at all regarding the alleged number of “rockets” we can easily state it is more a matter of high unlikely a Gaza rocket hits anything at all even more unlikely the chances it will kill.
Total Deaths from Qassams and mortars within Israel as from 2001 according to the “Israel Project”: 21 in 10 years
So let’s behold, the tens of thousands rockets which allegedly were launched: They killed 21 people if internationals counted as well, including Palestinians 29. 29 death from 10′s of thousands of rockets in 10 years, and 29 too many too.
To retaliate these deaths Israel commits the following attacks (kindly notice, all related posts are covered by media, reports and international organisations:
The Counterfacts
Gaza Under Israeli Attacks – Timeline Military Operations on Gaza
For all attacks all over Palestine check the Category → Attacks
For all attacks and violation of Law and crimes against → Children
For all attacks commited by (Illegal Colonists) → Settler Violence
For all attacks on Gaza’s Fishermen at sea → Fishing Under Fire
For all attacks on Press to prevent u see Truth → Attack on Press
For all assassinations by Israel → Assassinations
For all kidnap attacks by Israel → Kidnapping & Abductions
For all unlawfull incursion attacks by Israel → Incursions
For all massacres by Israel → Massacres & Genocide
So you did read in worldwide newspapers and media about a home made flare or “flying” from Gaza towards the occupied desert?
But you never read about the DAILY attacks by army, airforce, navy, police, intelligence, undercover agents AND settlers which happen on land from the air and from and on the sea in Gaza as well as in the West Bank? The tens of thousands rockets from Gaza killed as said 29 people inside occupied territories in 10 years.
Aside 10′s of Thousands rockets did hit 29 people they only hit The Israeli Qassam Rocket counter and Israeli (influenced media which is 96% of worlds media)
Your media did not cover it:
Israel detonated the 1st bomb ever in the diaspora & introduced terrorism: Learn a/ Menachim Begin
Neither about the fight of Real Judaism against Zionism which older than Israel itself, read the
130 Year record of jewish opposition against zionism
Even Einstein warned for it. Real Smart Jewish people know and knew
Einstein’s Letter Warning Of Zionism/Facism In Israel
For the sceptics: It was published in the New York Times
Original scans from microfilm of NYT Dec 4, 1948
Einstein’s letter to the Stern terror gang when it solicitated him to raise fund in the US
But #US is keeping the facts from the people, serving Israel and silencing while The power of lies, deceptions and disinformation as Americans pay the price of collective stupidity which is funneled up by their gov’t. Silencing the facts the giv’t knows too well:
The Facts US is aware of and hiding for you
But Checkpoint Washington is like Bibi explains
Netanyahu: ‘America is a thing you can move very easily’
Now we behold the real cost of human lives which has 2 sides
- Deaths due violent attack
- Deathd due to passive aggression (so called avoidable mortality)
This year 2011, Israel killed 239 people with direct violence
Siince the year 2000, Israel killed 1472 children
This year only, Israel killed, in Gaza only: 19 children, wounded 200 by shelling | Report
Deaths at Checkpoints
You only hear of death or possible death at a checkpoint, when a pregnant American reporter get’s forced 3 times after eachother to go through the X-Ray at a checkpoint.
Only than, media makes a little noise about possible (!) danger for the foetus. 18.000 women a year develop complications due to this policies and 35 children have died since start of monitoring of the effects of obstruction or entrance to medical aid
Avoidable Death of Pregnant women & their Unborn at Israeli Checkpoints – incl video
71 Palestinian Women Forced to Labor at Checkpoints-Israelis Deny Women Access to Hospitals, Clinics
Obstruction to medical aid or infringement of aid cost many lives in Palestine:
B’tselem Report | Death due to infringement on humanright of medical care: 2000 -2011
(This list only displays the direct reported effects of death by policies or denial to healthcare, while te real avoidable mortality rate due to deliberate deprivation of basic needs is much higher.)
For a comparision: During the Holocaust 1 in 6 Jewish people died due to deliberate deprivation of Nazi policies, causing death of 1 million Jewish people. A warcrime. Remembered every year. And this is justified to remember people which are slain in the awful Nazi war
Aside from the number of deaths in Palestine, it is widely silenced that Israel not only in Palestine cause many deaths, but also in Egypt, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan and beyond.
From 1967-2005 0,5 Million Palestinians died due to all other factors causing avoidable mortality or so called excess death
If you have no idea about the effects of deprivation meet Baby Firas:
Baby Firas – video
Or read about the effects of cuts of electricity for example for patients in need of dialysis:
Since 2007, 67 patients in need of dialysis or other treatment unavailable in Gaza have died
While International Law states:
Geneva Convention
Articles 55 and 56 of the Fourth Geneva Convention clearly establish that Israel, as the occupying power, not only has a duty to ensure medical supplies reach hospitals in the OPT, but to ensure and maintain the services of the hospitals too. As High Contracting Parties to the Geneva Conventions, other states not only have a moral duty but also a legal obligation to ensure Israel abides by its commitments to the protected population of the OPT.
UN Convention of the Rights of the Child
As a States Party to the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, Israel is obliged under Article 24 of the treaty to recognise the right of every child under its effective jurisdiction “to the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of health and to facilities for the treatment of illness and rehabilitation of health. States Parties shall strive to ensure that no child is deprived of his or her right of access to such health care services”.
In deliberate deprivation for Israel is refusing to lend a permit for repairs, supplies or denies entry of fuel:
Murder by denying repairs or materials to arrange basic life sustaining needs
That is is deliberate targeted to Palestinians may be proven by the fact that Israel donates streetlights to African countries to prevent traffic deaths, but demolishes ‘Imneizils (by Spain funded) solar systems which also provide the hospital, schools and the whole village of basic electricity needs:
If Israel would be able to “turn off” the sun above #Palestine, It would” ~ in pictures
Israel floods dams deliberately in Gaza, or deprives Gaza of repair materials for the aquifier (which also not works without power by the way) Causing only 5% of the water is fit to drink.
A fact which is known by world authorities on WHO since 2006.
Water-borne diseases cause 26 %of Illnesses
But Israel has become exactly as those it feared and hated once themselves. Than it accused beginning of December 2011 Ireland for being the most hostile country in the EU, because it compared Israeli soldiers to Nazis. You make the comparision. Judge for yourself:
HaShoah versus Al Nakba – in pictures
Or worse, it even kills life before it is born and “shows off” zionism proudly, the trophy pictures Israel does not want you to see:
The New Abu Ghraib – Israel’s own “Trophy Pictures” – in pictures
Israel is laying an illegal siege on Gaza, and even has
Policies to near starvation which it tried to prevent from leaking out
Forcing people (like in many wars) to smuggle:
Since 2006 over 160 Palestinians have died in tunnels
We need not to discuss assassinations are deliberate caused deaths:
To create the “State of Israel” about 77 massacres were committed: Here’s a list:
All Israeli Massacres – in Palestine only
And the genocide still goes on every day without your media covering it:
Daily updated list of Massacred Palestinians
Silence about the
Oct- Nov 2011 massacre on Gaza
Media silences
The Aug 2011 in Gaza massacre and no government condemned it
Retaliation 4 something it NEVER DID
Israel hiding evidence
Only during Cast Lead war in Gaza, Israel kiled
Over 1500 of which over 352 children in just 22 days time from dec 2008-jan 2009
The Names of the 352 Children slained by Israel in 22 days
Israel having cruel policies when not kill, to invalidate, the Rabin Herecy since the First Intifada: The Breaking Bones policy:
Literally breaking the law (and bones) with their own hands – video
Deliberate extermination by neglect:
Slow death’ [is] the Israeli system for exterminating prisoners
More than 200 Palestinians died in Israeli prisons due to the illegal Israeli policies of medical negligence since Israel occupied the rest of Palestine in 1967.
Several Palestinians were shot and killed by the arresting soldiers and officers.
Since the beginning of the Occupation in 1967, over 750,000 Palestinians have been arrested by Israel. Almost 95% of them have been subjected to some form of torture or cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment.
Since 1967, over 105 documented torture techniques have been used by Israel. At least 66 Palestinians have been tortured to death.
Israel itself adopted by enactment in March 2011 a mine clearance law, but only valid as it seems for Israeli grounds, for Golan is still paved and remaing 1 million personell mines stay in the soil of Palestinian occupied teritories
Those mines costed only for example in Golan (by Israel occupied Syria) 16 deaths
Many more deaths Israel caused by the left behind in for example Lebanon
Unexploded ordinances, also are a common (!) danger throughout Palestine, where daily invasions of Israeli forces often result in explosives, ordinances and tank shells that are (deliberately) left behind.
It is often children who are the victims of these unexploded ordinances, as they are naturally curious and drawn to the strange objects left by the army.
Not to forget, the kind of weapons Israel uses: US funded White Phosphorus, GBU-39 Bunker Busters with 75kg depleted uranium each, DIME, toxic, and other chemical warfare like CS gas (which last killed the first protester of this year 2011 Jawaher Abu Rahma on Jan 1 2011)
Special Topic: Israel’s Weapons a Crime on Humanity
More footage of Israel’s arsenal of weaponry
As you can read in the previous post these weapons not only kill instantly but also have long term risk effects for health, can cause diseases and/or death in the end. (even in Egypt and Israel itsaelf)
Only(!) during the war 2008-2009, Gaza police have put the weight of weapons dropped on the Strip by Israel during the war two years ago at over 3000 tons.
Tahseen Saad, head of the police force’s explosives engineering unit, indicated that a lot of the weapons used were illegal under international law. Occupation forces used different types of bombs with the most significant ones weighing between 150 – 500 Kg. Most controversial weapons were/are used including white phosphorous bombs which are illegal to use in populated areas.
Furtheron Israel used an assortment of missiles, such as anti-tank guided missiles, against civilians and their vehicles. Israeli army used bombs that dispersed red smoke made up of explosives and tungsten. When the bomb is dropped it sprayed a liquid which creates fog and in less than a second it disappears and the bomb explodes.
Reminder that Israel also murders people in Gaza by remote control: Israel’s video game killing technology . These drones which fly 24/7 365 days a year over Gaza/West Bank as well for several purposes like espionage,
Remote killing technology & surveillance but also precise and remote “liquidation”
The effect of the weapons is not limited to killing. Weapons containing materials that are forbidden under international accords, such as phosphorous, tungsten and uranium, spread cancer in the targeted population, destroy nature and cause terrible burns and amputations. Some of the consequences, like foetal abnormalities, are not immediately apparent.
So next time you see Israel telling, they had another rocket “attack” remember it has the most advanced Iron Dome system which indeed intercepts missiles if there are any REAL ones.
Remember also. Gaza… does have no dome at all. No iron dome, and no dome of Human Rights. It is indiscriminately bombed by F16′s, surveilled and attacked by drones, shelled by tanks, shelled & bombed by navy ships, from coast or at sea, and invasions on the land occur almost daily.
All the above is just a fraction of aggression regarding to the presumptions about the so called waves of rockets from Gaza and to put this into a more realistic perspective.
This is by no means a complete overview and this list can be made exhausting if we go name all passive and direct aggression, oppression in any way imaginable which Israel or it’s settlers impose on Palestinians.
The Right to Self-Defense of Palestine
For who does still not understand the (need or concept of) resistance of Palestine recommended read:
The Eagle of Palestine
The Palestinian Right of Self-Defense against this disproportional power and agression of ” Israel”
Palestinian right to fight occupation not only moral, but legal as well ~ by @myaguarnieri
The average civilian in Palestine has no more of self defense than a stone he or she can throw.
24 Years ago Palestinians massively engaged in civil disobedience and we’re heavily suppressed, which happens even today. Even last friday a unarmed civilian protester Mustafa Tamimi was murdered by the Israeli army. There is still not even evidence he even had a stone.
Overview ▶ With surgical precision Israel shot Mustafa Tamimi & deliberately delayed aid. He died. – pictures & videos
And remember
The First Intifada | انتفاضة – in pictures
24 Years later Palestinians living under occupation for 64 years now, still only have a stone, and some flares while the daily disproportional violence and aggression of the occupier, the collective punishment and the daily oppression and exiling is influencing 11 Million Lives in Palestine but most still outside, unable to return to their home.
While International Law – Universal Declaration of Human Rights states:
UDHR Art 13(1)
“Everyone has the right 2 freedom of movement & residence within the borders of each state”
UDHR Art 13(2)
” Everyone has the right to leave any country, including his own, and to return to his country”
UDHR 17:(2)
“No one shall be arbitrarily deprived of his property.”
UDHR 20(1)
“Everyone has the right to freedom of peaceful assembly and association.”
UDHR 20(2)
“No one may be compelled to belong to an association.”
UDHR Art 9:
“No one shall be subjected to arbitrary arrest, detention or exile”
UDHR Art 5:
“No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.”
UDHR Art 3:
“Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person
UDHR 15:1
“Everyone has the right to a nationality”
All of the Human Rights above, are not valid in Palestine. Just because Israel unilateral decided Palestinians have no rights at all, of no kind at all. Even when this means they pretend to be a Jewish state, violating not even international law, regulations, but also every divine law.
Something to ponder about…
For who not sees or who’s eyes are still closes. IOA has become exactly and even worse than those, they feared and hated once themselves. Using the same atrocities, policies to oppress, ethnically cleanse and eradicate human beings. Creating a new Shoah (Holocaust) for the Palestinians in 1948 with Al Nakba, and sustaining it by hasbara and the world’s ignorance or at least those not using their own mind to reconsider the realistic facts. So Hasbara in 16 words explained:
“Make the lie big, make it simple, keep saying it, and eventually they will believe it…”
~ Joseph Goebbels
…will be updated of course with related news or relevant counter “cyber truth ammo”. Stay Human, stay safe and Free Palestine!
Activists Resources | Knowledge is Power!
- The Veritas Handbook : The HOWTO Get Rid of Israeli Hasbara ( Propaganda ) Guide | free download
- Handbook | Putting Technology to Work for Palestine Activism, V 1.0 | PDF
- Downloads | Palestine Internet Defence Force
Get Real (Hasbara Free) News from Palestine
- Alternative Information Center | AIC
- IMEMC | International Middle East Media Center
- Ma’an News Agency | AR | EN | HE |
- Middle East Monitor | MEMO
- Palestine Blogs | Continuous feed of (pro)Palestine Blogger’s News
- Palestine Information Center | Several Languages
- Palestine Chronicle
- Palestine Telegraph
- Wadi Hilweh Information Center | Silwan | Jerusalem
Also check the List of Bloggers and Activists, Organisations working for Palestine
And read… how zionists think to hide all of this:
Truth does not matter for “Israel”. Buttons Do. To mute.
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