Opposition wants AFP to investigate Thomson claims


May 16, 2013 12:24:56

The Federal Opposition has asked the Australian Federal Police to investigate allegations of impropriety involving the New South Wales Labor Party and crossbench MP Craig Thomson.

News Limited has reported that Mr Thomson claims the New South Wales ALP offered to allow him to contest Labor preselection for his seat, presuming he would lose, so that he could effectively qualify for a lucrative redundancy.

The ALP’s New South Wales branch general secretary Sam Dastyari says the claims are wrong, and points out that suspended members cannot contest preselections.

The ALP suspended Mr Thomson last year, and has announced he will contest his seat as an independent at September’s election.

Shadow attorney-general George Brandis says the claims must be investigated.

“I have this morning written to Mr [Tony] Negus, the Australian Federal Police Commissioner, asking him to investigate the matter urgently.


Source Article from http://www.abc.net.au/news/2013-05-16/oppn-wants-afp-to-investigate-thomson-claims/4693848

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