February 10th, 2014 FAKE NEWS for the Zionist agenda
I am what our government would have you believe is the most dangerous element in America today; an un-brainwashed, middle class, middle aged, pissed off white man.
President Barack Hussein Obama promised America “Change You Can Believe In”. His “Change”? A North American Union, made up of Canada, the U.S., Mexico and, in time, the rest of the Western Hemisphere, one government, one currency, one people — open borders. This is the next step towards his Globalist employers’ ultimate plan for World Government.
The ‘conspiracy’ is not a ‘theory’ anymore, it never was, it is happening before our eyes. The list of perpetrators is long and known to many, their intentions are clearly stated and matter of public record. An open secret, hiding in plain sight. Our print, network and Internet news outlets are well aware of this crime, they are employed by many of the culprits.
Willful ignorance and Mainstream Media shills like Brian Williams and Walter Cronkite before him, have kept the general citizenry pacified and placated for decades with corporate and government disinformation. Tragically, the sole source of news for many people is comedy programs like SNL, John Stewart, Stephen Colbert, etc..
Satire is a vital part of a free and open republic, but simply laughing along with ironic detachment to the folly that is our government is not going to save us from the criminal class that we have “elected” to serve us.
Not even that supposed watchdog of all mainstream media watchdogs, 60 Minutes will dare to scratch the surface of this monumental crime. They simply and logically cannot afford to bite the hand that feeds them if they wish to remain on the air. (Oh, to be a fly on the wall in one of their editorial meetings when some, naive, idealistic young producer brings up The Bilderburg Group or the The Council On Foreign Relations!)
Despite what countries like that bastion of enlightenment France might think, Americans are not inherently stupid, but they HAVE been anesthetized for too long by genetically engineered food, cheap gas, unnecessary and dangerous prescription drugs, mindless entertainment and false “news” from a complicit corporate media. They will not awaken from their stupor until drastic events (read: False Flags) force them to pay attention and engage in the reality that we have made for ourselves.
Political Correctness has infected our world to the point that we cannot discern good from bad, truth from fiction. Diversity, Tolerance, and Sensitivity are certainly good things in the right context, but not when they are used as government and societal code words for ”Shut up and fall in line!”. The dilution of the world’s vast array of proud cultural traditions into one unified mass of lukewarm values and beliefs, is just one more way the Globalists are weakening humanity.
History is being revised in our schools and universities to downplay or remove many of the core beliefs and events that made this country into one of the greatest civilizations in history. We’ve gone from “The winners get to write the history books” (I do not defend this) to ”Left wing academia gets to RE-WRITE the history books”.
Our internal sense of right and wrong has gone awry. We have lost our direction as a country to the point that we now have to legislate Common Sense, and then only when we can find leaders with the courage to do so.
Free speech is dying a rapid death. Speaking out against government or corporate hubris and malfeasance will only designate you as a terrorist, racist or whatever other undesirable label the government wants to brand you with. They NEED a docile and dumbed-down populace to willingly accept their plans for a corporate world oligarchy.
God has been all but erased in many public forums across the country. Christianity is under fire at almost every turn. Responsibly preach the message of Christ’s salvation, and there’s a good chance you will be condemned for “Hate speech”. Moral relativism has overtaken our collectiveconscience. It is now TOLERANCE! at any cost.
But yet, we are strangely tolerant of Islam’s intolerance. Stranger yet is the radical feminists who turn a blind eye to the barbaric treatment of their sisters in the Muslim culture.
If anyone is not yet convinced of our president’s fascist tendencies, consider this statement from candidate Obama in 2008:
“We cannot continue to rely on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives we’ve set. We’ve got to have a civilian national security force that’s just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded.”
This is a moderate, free society politician? Every tyrant in history has maintained a private police force, loyal first and foremost to their leader, NOT the citizenry. The adoring corporate media “watchdogs” never raised an eyebrow!
Now Obama wants a ”Kill Switch” for the Internet. Move along folks, nothing to to see here, this is only to “counter cyber-terrorism”.
Yeah right.
Much of the country is still under the spell of this narcissistic impostor. I’ve asked friends, relatives and strangers why they continue to support Barack Obama. The best they can come up with? ”I just like him, he’s a great man!”, ”He’s so presidential!” or my favorite, ”He needs more time to fix the mess Bush got us into.”
He’s simply a politically correct version OF George Bush who’s been put in place to further an oppressive and dangerous ideology. The Democrat/Republican, Left/Right paradigm at the national level is a sham, they’re but two factions of the same corrupt entity. A presidential candidate does not get nominated in this country unless he/she has been vetted, groomed and paid for by the ruling elite. Now, more than ever politics are driven by the cult of personality, greed and a perverted lust for CONTROL.
And therein lies the heart of the matter. Most, if not all of Humankind’s problems stem from the desire to CONTROL ones environment, to bend others to its will, the desire for money and wealth are just a means towards this end.
True substance and honor have lost their place in the political arena. Dishonesty, denial and hate-mongering rule our public discourse. Compared to Obama’s handlers, Joseph Goebbels looks like an amateur. The Ruling Elite have installed a formidable mouthpiece to push their agenda. Obama is as talented and mesmerizing a speaker as any of history’s Great Persuaders“ Reagan, JFK, Churchill and yes, Adolph Hitler.
But that’s ALL he is, a mouthpiece and facilitator for the Globalist’s that hold his leash. Look at what he DOES, not at what he SAYS.
I firmly believe that 90% of the people in this country could care less what color their president is, as long as he does right by them. Obama is worse than George Bush in that he promised HOPE to so many who had little reason to hope before.
It is a very dangerous thing to promise hope and not deliver. Hope is what keeps people alive as they ’lead lives of quite desperation’.
As I watched the tears of joy and unbelief stream from the eyes of his followers at the 2008 Democratic Convention, I wanted as much as anyone to believe in the seeming miracle that I saw before me. But I could not then and cannot now; anymore than I could believe in the impostors who preceded him.
I’m not sure exactly how long the most fail-safe system of government in history has been corrupted by this Shadow Elite (since 1913, at the very least) but a pattern of designed governmental dysfunction will become apparent to anyone who cares to objectively look behind the curtain of deceit that has blinded us over the last century.
The economic crash of 2008 did nothing to awaken the populace, not when useless and corrupt dinosaurs like The Federal Reserve, Citigroup, Bank of America and the rest of “Too Big To Fails” were “bailed out” and saved from dying a necessary and natural death.
This perpetual state of war is one of America’s last major industries, one of the few pillars propping up this house of cards that we call the U.S. Economy. We are dependent on the corporate/military/industrial complex to stimulate our dying economic base. Foreign entities own much of our land and infrastructure, China holds most of our debt. Our heavy industrial manufacturing base is in serious decline. Our country has been sold out from under us by its own government and institutions.
People sit on their couch watching American Idol, secure in the lie that The Government Is Fixing It. Many Americans that I talk to are unaware that the Federal Reserve is not a branch of the government but a private, for-profit enterprise. Faced with such unpleasant information, the passive American Public simply invokes the Normalcy Bias, and settles back into the bliss of its own its willful ignorance.
Though he might be the most radical of the bunch, Barack Obama is but one puppet in a long line of puppets that America has been manipulated into “electing” as our latest savior.
The one good thing about this man’s treasonous occupation of the White House is that it’s becoming painfully obvious to all but the dimmest of bulbs that something is seriously wrong in this country and the world at large. Yet, where is the outrage from the bovine American public? Does the boot have to be on their throat before they say “ENOUGH!”.
Wake up America, or one day soon you’ll wake up to a CHANGE that’s going to make Nazi Germany look like a church picnic, and you will BELIEVE in it.
I am what our government would have you believe is the most dangerous element in America today; an un-brainwashed, middle class, middle aged, pissed off white man.
President Barack Hussein Obama promised America “Change You Can Believe In”. His “Change”? A North American Union, made up of Canada, the U.S., Mexico and, in time, the rest of the Western Hemisphere, one government, one currency, one people — open borders. This is the next step towards his Globalist employers’ ultimate plan for World Government.
The ‘conspiracy’ is not a ‘theory’ anymore, it never was, it is happening before our eyes. The list of perpetrators is long and known to many, their intentions are clearly stated and matter of public record. An open secret, hiding in plain sight. Our print, network and Internet news outlets are well aware of this crime, they are employed by many of the culprits.
Willful ignorance and Mainstream Media shills like Brian Williams and Walter Cronkite before him, have kept the general citizenry pacified and placated for decades with corporate and government disinformation. Tragically, the sole source of news for many people is comedy programs like SNL, John Stewart, Stephen Colbert, etc..
Satire is a vital part of a free and open republic, but simply laughing along with ironic detachment to the folly that is our government is not going to save us from the criminal class that we have “elected” to serve us.
Not even that supposed watchdog of all mainstream media watchdogs, 60 Minutes will dare to scratch the surface of this monumental crime. They simply and logically cannot afford to bite the hand that feeds them if they wish to remain on the air. (Oh, to be a fly on the wall in one of their editorial meetings when some, naive, idealistic young producer brings up The Bilderburg Group or the The Council On Foreign Relations!)
Despite what countries like that bastion of enlightenment France might think, Americans are not inherently stupid, but they HAVE been anesthetized for too long by genetically engineered food, cheap gas, unnecessary and dangerous prescription drugs, mindless entertainment and false “news” from a complicit corporate media. They will not awaken from their stupor until drastic events (read: False Flags) force them to pay attention and engage in the reality that we have made for ourselves.
Political Correctness has infected our world to the point that we cannot discern good from bad, truth from fiction. Diversity, Tolerance, and Sensitivity are certainly good things in the right context, but not when they are used as government and societal code words for ”Shut up and fall in line!”. The dilution of the world’s vast array of proud cultural traditions into one unified mass of lukewarm values and beliefs, is just one more way the Globalists are weakening humanity.
History is being revised in our schools and universities to downplay or remove many of the core beliefs and events that made this country into one of the greatest civilizations in history. We’ve gone from “The winners get to write the history books” (I do not defend this) to ”Left wing academia gets to RE-WRITE the history books”.
Our internal sense of right and wrong has gone awry. We have lost our direction as a country to the point that we now have to legislate Common Sense, and then only when we can find leaders with the courage to do so.
Free speech is dying a rapid death. Speaking out against government or corporate hubris and malfeasance will only designate you as a terrorist, racist or whatever other undesirable label the government wants to brand you with. They NEED a docile and dumbed-down populace to willingly accept their plans for a corporate world oligarchy.
God has been all but erased in many public forums across the country. Christianity is under fire at almost every turn. Responsibly preach the message of Christ’s salvation, and there’s a good chance you will be condemned for “Hate speech”. Moral relativism has overtaken our collectiveconscience. It is now TOLERANCE! at any cost.
But yet, we are strangely tolerant of Islam’s intolerance. Stranger yet is the radical feminists who turn a blind eye to the barbaric treatment of their sisters in the Muslim culture.
If anyone is not yet convinced of our president’s fascist tendencies, consider this statement from candidate Obama in 2008:
“We cannot continue to rely on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives we’ve set. We’ve got to have a civilian national security force that’s just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded.”
This is a moderate, free society politician? Every tyrant in history has maintained a private police force, loyal first and foremost to their leader, NOT the citizenry. The adoring corporate media “watchdogs” never raised an eyebrow!
Now Obama wants a ”Kill Switch” for the Internet. Move along folks, nothing to to see here, this is only to “counter cyber-terrorism”.
Yeah right.
Much of the country is still under the spell of this narcissistic impostor. I’ve asked friends, relatives and strangers why they continue to support Barack Obama. The best they can come up with? ”I just like him, he’s a great man!”, ”He’s so presidential!” or my favorite, ”He needs more time to fix the mess Bush got us into.”
He’s simply a politically correct version OF George Bush who’s been put in place to further an oppressive and dangerous ideology. The Democrat/Republican, Left/Right paradigm at the national level is a sham, they’re but two factions of the same corrupt entity. A presidential candidate does not get nominated in this country unless he/she has been vetted, groomed and paid for by the ruling elite. Now, more than ever politics are driven by the cult of personality, greed and a perverted lust for CONTROL.
And therein lies the heart of the matter. Most, if not all of Humankind’s problems stem from the desire to CONTROL ones environment, to bend others to its will, the desire for money and wealth are just a means towards this end.
True substance and honor have lost their place in the political arena. Dishonesty, denial and hate-mongering rule our public discourse. Compared to Obama’s handlers, Joseph Goebbels looks like an amateur. The Ruling Elite have installed a formidable mouthpiece to push their agenda. Obama is as talented and mesmerizing a speaker as any of history’s Great Persuaders“ Reagan, JFK, Churchill and yes, Adolph Hitler.
But that’s ALL he is, a mouthpiece and facilitator for the Globalist’s that hold his leash. Look at what he DOES, not at what he SAYS.
I firmly believe that 90% of the people in this country could care less what color their president is, as long as he does right by them. Obama is worse than George Bush in that he promised HOPE to so many who had little reason to hope before.
It is a very dangerous thing to promise hope and not deliver. Hope is what keeps people alive as they ’lead lives of quite desperation’.
As I watched the tears of joy and unbelief stream from the eyes of his followers at the 2008 Democratic Convention, I wanted as much as anyone to believe in the seeming miracle that I saw before me. But I could not then and cannot now; anymore than I could believe in the impostors who preceded him.
I’m not sure exactly how long the most fail-safe system of government in history has been corrupted by this Shadow Elite (since 1913, at the very least) but a pattern of designed governmental dysfunction will become apparent to anyone who cares to objectively look behind the curtain of deceit that has blinded us over the last century.
The economic crash of 2008 did nothing to awaken the populace, not when useless and corrupt dinosaurs like The Federal Reserve, Citigroup, Bank of America and the rest of “Too Big To Fails” were “bailed out” and saved from dying a necessary and natural death.
This perpetual state of war is one of America’s last major industries, one of the few pillars propping up this house of cards that we call the U.S. Economy. We are dependent on the corporate/military/industrial complex to stimulate our dying economic base. Foreign entities own much of our land and infrastructure, China holds most of our debt. Our heavy industrial manufacturing base is in serious decline. Our country has been sold out from under us by its own government and institutions.
People sit on their couch watching American Idol, secure in the lie that The Government Is Fixing It. Many Americans that I talk to are unaware that the Federal Reserve is not a branch of the government but a private, for-profit enterprise. Faced with such unpleasant information, the passive American Public simply invokes the Normalcy Bias, and settles back into the bliss of its own its willful ignorance.
Though he might be the most radical of the bunch, Barack Obama is but one puppet in a long line of puppets that America has been manipulated into “electing” as our latest savior.
The one good thing about this man’s treasonous occupation of the White House is that it’s becoming painfully obvious to all but the dimmest of bulbs that something is seriously wrong in this country and the world at large. Yet, where is the outrage from the bovine American public? Does the boot have to be on their throat before they say “ENOUGH!”.
Wake up America, or one day soon you’ll wake up to a CHANGE that’s going to make Nazi Germany look like a church picnic, and you will BELIEVE in it.
You won’t have a choice.