Police: Man arrested in murder of Arizona couple

PARADISE VALLEY, Ariz. (AP) — A 31-year-old man has been arrested and faces murder charges in the death of an Arizona couple found tied up and burned beyond recognition, and four others have also been arrested in the case, police said Tuesday.

The bodies of Lawrence and Glenna Shapiro, well-to-do philanthropists in their 70s, were discovered on Jan. 30 in their stylish home in the affluent Phoenix suburb of Paradise Valley.

Until Tuesday, Paradise Valley police had released few details about the bizarre crime, including whether the Shapiros were robbed or what they think the motive might have been.

Police said Michael Crane would face two murder charges, as well as kidnapping, armed robbery, arson and burglary charges. The other four suspects were facing theft or trafficking in stolen property charges.

The murders were the first in Paradise Valley since 2004 and shook neighbors, police and the town mayor. Police Chief John Bennett said Tuesday that there was no evidence to indicate the Shapiros were specifically targeted.

Earlier Tuesday, family and friends gathered in a packed downtown Phoenix theater for a memorial service for the couple.

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