Power cuts trigger riots in Punjab

A fresh wave of rioting broke out on Tuesday in at least two areas where power cuts last up to 20 hours a day have enraged people in the hottest part of the year, the Associated Press reported.

Police said rioters stormed the house of Riaz Fatiyana, a local lawmaker allied with the the national government, in the town of Kamaliya and burned his vehicles and property.

At least 30 people have been injured in the ongoing clashes in Kamaliya.

Meanwhile in Khanewal district, police fired tear gas to disperse rock-throwing protesters after they attempted to set fire to the offices of the local power company.

Punjab is controlled by the opposition Muslim League-N party who has been encouraging protests against the government’s underinvestment and mismanagement in the energy sector in the past years.

The Pakistani President Asif Ali Zardari met on Tuesday in the capital with officials to discuss ways to find a solution to the energy crisis.

The talks were, however, averted by a Supreme Court ruling which disqualified Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani from holding office over an earlier contempt conviction.


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