It is becoming increasingly more difficult to cope with reality. Every single day feels like a nightmare out of which you can’t wake up. More deaths, more rapes, more robbery, more violence, more destruction. And at the very same moment, the indoctrinated people make up more excuses, deny the ever so growing evidence which backs up our Truth; they become more dumb with every single passing hour. It is remarkable what the Jews are capable of doing. It is remarkable how little they care, how little they are afraid of any kind of retribution. Here they are, living among us, and yet they do not seem to be afraid of us. They keep on pushing. They have nothing to lose at this point in time. It is either victory or defeat for them.
Ironically, that is a source of their strength. They are all-in. No regrets. No doubts. No shame. No morality. No ethics. No judgment. No fear of a higher power sending them to a fiery place. Nothing. All they know and all they care for is the conquest of this planet. Quite the contrary, their understanding of Hermetics in the Kabbalah and Zohar tells them that there is no other way for their “God” to come into existence; it tells them that the only way for “Heavenly Jerusalem” to come into existence is through the establishment of the “Earthly Jerusalem”; the “Heavenly Kingdom” can only come into existence once the Jew World Order is established. As above, so below. Quite the motivator, right?
This simple hermetic teaching has been applied by the Jews in various stages of our history. It is quite remarkable how they manage to change an environment through it, for as we have said many times before, there is a sinister message in hermeticism : Change the Environment and you shall destroy your enemy. Change the habitat of a species and it can’t survive in it anymore. That change, on a social level, through social revolutions, must happen by that very same principle. It must exist “below” in the masses of the most dumb, foolish and naive people – and – it must exist “above“, represented in one ruler, king, president. Once you have an idiot on top and a mass of idiots on bottom, the still normal people in between have only two options left : Resist Actively or Become Indoctrinated Passively. The average lemming will see that the Leader and the Masses are pushing forward a certain message and will, slowly but surely, come to accept it as the norm. His mind is “satisfied”, so to speak, by having this feeling of fulfillment due to the below and the above telling him the same message.
Brothers, consider the time of your calling: Not many of you were wise by human standards; not many were powerful; not many were of noble birth. But God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise; God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong. He chose the lowly and despised things of the world, and the things that are not, to nullify the things that are, so that no one may boast in His presence.
The below was done. The above however would try to penetrate itself in many ways. In Jesus, in Yahweh, but it really took off finally when there existed a King who would be stupid enough to accept this Jewish poison of the Mind. That was when this idiocy finally took off among our people. The still strong and proud European did not care what Jesus nor Yahweh thought of him, but once everyone around him, including the King, were starting to fall for it – he would eventually be forced into it as well. For now it wasn’t merely an act of “will”, that is to say “conversion”, now it became the Law. And thus the Holy Trinity of the Jew was in full motion : Money, Time, Law. It changed the environment, it changed the people.
The very same tactic has been used throughout the ages and is being still used today. All the liberals, marxists, communists and imbeciles that have been turned into anti-White drones can be described as the most foolish, dumb and ugly among us. Creatures of idiocy. Weak-minded, weak-willed, weak. In every aspect of these words. The Jewish God chose them, yet again, to shame the wise among us; to shame the strong among us. None may boast in the presence of the Jews, let alone those who recognize the danger behind the Jew. It is rather depressing to have White Nationalists who are still Christian, who cannot time-travel back in their mind and witness the reality of this as Christianity was conquering Europe.
Can they not see the same thing happening? Imagine being a Centurion of the Roman Pagan Empire and receiving news of Jews and newly converted Christians wreaking chaos over the land, turning the youth against the Empire, having them spread propaganda all over the place how all are One in Christ Jesus, how there is neither male nor female, how there are no class distinctions, no borders, etc. The entire situation we find ourselves in the 21st century would be exactly the same back then – you’d only be wearing different clothes. As long as you cannot do this simple time travel in your mind, as long as you cannot allow yourself to really go all the way back along the Jewish path of our destruction, that is how long you’ll remain indoctrinated and unable to fully fight against the Jew and his Bible. Waking up does not happen partially. It must happen entirely.
Christianity was a Jewish revolution. And there is always this element of being “chosen” that is being delivered. Even Islam was spread in that way as we read in Ibn Sa’d, Vol. 1, p. 12 :
Ali Ibn Abi Talib, said: Verily the Prophet said: God divided the earth in two halves and placed (me) in the better of the two, then He divided the half in three parts, and I was in the best of them, then He chose the Arabs from among the people, then He chose the Quraysh from among the Arabs, then He chose the children of ‘Abd al-Muttalib from among the Banu Hashim, then he chose me from among the children of ‘Abd al-Muttalib, and from them he chose me.
By the very same Nature modern day Whites are being told that they are “responsible”, that they are the “chosen ones” who can end “Racism” on this planet by destroying “Whiteness”, the “White Race” and especially, the “White Male”. Once upon a time the sane among us were labelled as Pagans and Gnostics. Later on we became Heretics. Then we became the Royalty. Today we are Racists, Anti-Semites, Xenophobes, Nazis, Fascists, Infidels. The same shit, the same story, just and only different labels. The same voice from the Shadow controlling our destruction. Once upon a time they were spreading the “word of God”, today they are spreading “Globalism”.
So, what is it that makes these people so hateful? What is it that drives them mad to such a level that they are perfectly fine with killing their own kin, their own brothers and sisters for an ideology, a revolution, a mind-virus? It all begins with self-hatred. No one is born with it. It must be programmed into your Mind. How does self-hatred occur? It requires a never-ending thought which becomes the Voice of Judgment in your Mind – this Voice becomes the filter and the ruler of everything you do : Of every move you make, of every action you take, of every word you say, of every thought that you may have. It overrules it all. It whispers into your ear and searches for possible weaknesses in the most remote parts of your Soul and Spirit. This Self-Hatred must penetrate the “above and below” theory as well in order to be successful. What could this mean? How could it be applied? With time.
The “Above” being the Future, the “Below” being the Past. In order to fully abuse self-hatred you will have to explain to the individual that some kind of Sin has been done in the past of which he is part of, there must exist some kind of guilt which is then impossible for him to fix. He must suffer for it during his entire life and must delete everything about it, including himself, in order to finally gain salvation from it in the Future. If this Future, this Salvation, is connected to the Death of the individual – then you just created a lifelong self-hating spell. The person will be controlled by it until his last breath. The Laws of Nature are replaced by the Law of the Bible, or any other collection of Commandments. The Self is replaced by a Middle Man or by an Utopia in which his current Self cannot exist. His thoughts are overshadowed, overruled by the Self-Hating mechanism. The individual finds joy and peace by doing everything he can against his own Self.
Reason does not exist anymore in the self-hating state of mind. Logic is dead. Wisdom is gone. Intelligence is neglected. All that exists is the desire to fulfill the self-hatred program which promises a reward. Imagine being an early Christian convert 1700 years ago and castrating yourself because Jesus said if you have the balls to do it, you might as well do it. Imagine speaking only Yes and No because it says so in the good book. A laughable concept, isn’t it? This should make you understand how low your willpower has to become in order for the Semitic Voice to control your Mind. How low your self-respect must be in order to inflict upon yourself such punishment.
The same is true for the modern day Jewish operated anti-White propaganda, which we find in Education, Media, Internet, Hollywood, Newspapers, etc. It is everywhere. But, the education itself is the most important thing here – this is where the “new Bible” is being delivered. The Christian mind back in the days was under constant pressure from God and Jesus. Will your Sins be forgiven? Did you do something wrong yesterday, today, did you have an unclean thought? Does God know it? Does Jesus know it? What if they do? If they watch over you every day, then surely they will also see that you are willing to inflict self-punishment upon yourself in order to repent. Surely, your blood will be regarded as bonus points one day in front of the heavenly gates. So, you inflict suffering and pain upon yourself, hoping that they might see it.
How fitting therefore that Christianity itself promotes suffering and the idea of living in pain and suffering. You must, after all, become not only a slave and servant to Jesus and Yahweh – you must become, as Paul said – a prisoner of him. Your entire mind must only be occupied by those two Jewish elements and you must be working 24/7 on fulfilling the desires of those two mind-viruses and parasites. They did promise, now didn’t they, to reward you with salvation and heaven one day. The parasite found a life-long host. It is no wonder therefore that the self-hating Christian started destroying everything European around him – it was all a Sin – all of it reminded him of the very Sin that he was now trying to escape from. He would have peace of Mind only when everything around him was designed, constructed and designated to the Bible, Jesus and Yahweh – an environment in which everyone can devote himself to self-hatred in order to attain salvation.
Morals, ethics, reason, logic, intelligence, wisdom – none of these elements take place anymore. None of them matter anymore. They require your Body, Mind and Soul to function – they require your Self in order to come alive. Since you are dead inside at this point in time, all of them are gone as well. All of those terms are replaced by the doctrines of the not-so-holy-book.
The very same thing, the very same pattern, the very same mentality is true in case of our modern day self-hating anti-White Whites. You should see this by now. However, this level of Jewish poison, this level of the Mind Virus and Parasite, is even more deadly. It is not connected to an artificial layer of existence, it is connected directly to the Genetics themselves. It teaches you to self-hate your very being; your very essence, your very Nature. It teaches you to hate your Self directly. Now that we know this pattern and the idea behind it, we can look into what is going on in our society with a better understanding. In case of Christianity, the artificial layer, the middle person of Jesus, had to be fed. In case of the modern day anti-White, the person itself, has to be destroyed. It is however amazing that Jews are selling to these White people that our “system is based upon White supremacy and privilege”, yet the entire “system”, including the very education they receive, is anti-White. The same way “Pagans” were heretics, yet were more spiritual than any Christian has ever been.
Hence why all of these self-hating imbeciles look like degenerate creatures. They try to look as non-European as they can. They too are under the “above and below” spell – on many different layers. Jews have been telling them how “horrible” our past and history is = below. Just tell them that the future can only be good without us = above. The non-White masses in urban places are against us as well = below. The teachers in practically all of our education are against us as well = above. There are countless politicians and political parties which are openly calling for our destruction = above. There are countless media outlets which are talking to the masses against us = below. It is everywhere. They can’t get out of it. They can’t pass their exams at this point in time without giving anti-White answers.
Their inside, their corrupted Body, Mind and Soul therefore reflects onto the outside. They look degenerate. They act, walk and talk as non-Whites. They promote non-White made up and stupid history and facts. They destroy their body, change their hair color, get plastic surgeries, become faggots, become transgenders – they wish to eradicate their being. They cannot look at themselves in the mirror. They want to erase the very thing they are – A White Aryan European – because only then, can their salvation and utopia arrive. They become feminists and don’t want white children, they race-mix in order to “end racism”, they get a vasectomy. The White Race must be destroyed by any means necessary. That is their religion. They inflict punishment upon themselves in order to attain forgiveness. It is the same psychological pattern. They hope that others will see how much they suffer, how much they changed, in order to finally accept them as equals, as non-Whites.
Their Organism has lost its meaning. It has no borders anymore. They hate their own Body. They hate their own Self. Therefore, they hate every other self-respecting White person as well, who becomes a Sin in their eyes. Idols which have to be destroyed. Their Utopia, their Salvation, can only exist when there are no other Whites around them as well. Diversity, Open Borders, Multi-culturalism are their ways of collectively inflicting punishment upon themselves.
We are surrounded by psychopaths, my friends. We are surrounded by so many layers of self-hating imbeciles that it boggles the mind. They have no self-respect, they have no self anymore. They have become corrupted creatures of the Jewish mind virus and parasite that has been implanted into their mind. Their only desire is to make the thoughts of that mind virus fulfilled – to feed them, to praise them, to kneel before them – it has become an addiction to them. And, yet again, only in their own death do they find salvation. Spreading that sickness is their only mission, because somewhere deep down inside of them, they still are afraid and this fear of theirs can only be silenced by an artificial collective which they themselves are attempting to create.
So, what is the cure to this sickness? Truth. Facts. Evidence. Silence. We must constantly penetrate their minds with Truth. We must counter the narrative of the Jew. We must create such a bundle of information which will make it impossible for that Mind Virus to somehow convince them with his whispers that we are wrong. We must give them enough courage, show them enough courage, in order to convince them that we are living in the Truth. We must show them a better world, for they have never seen a good world. All they know is misery, chaos and destruction. We must provide them with the facts and with the evidence which will provide, if only, a small moment of clarity, a solution to their troubled mind.
Finally, Silence is what they need. They are inflicted with a never-ending thought, a burden upon their mind and soul. They think so much about it, that they start to think about that thought and finally get lost in that infinity. What troubles them the most is that there is no real end to their thoughts, neither do they truly know where it all began. They are living in an illusion and it is being kept alive by thought itself. Imagine having a family member in the hospital who is fighting for his life. You think about it. You think about all the days that you were together. All the days that were lost. Could you have done more? Could you have prevented it? What will happen now? Fear consumes you. The unknown is what kills you. Fear can only exist as long as the Unknown exists.
And they have been programmed to fear their own self. They are afraid of being White. They hate the thought of it. They hate the imprisonment which they feel by it. They do not even know what it means to be White European. They do not know what it means to be an Aryan. They were never allowed to learn. The only thing they were told is to hate it. Fear the Lord!, says the Bible. Yet do what he tells you.
As this fear of the Self consumes them, they try to find one distraction from themselves after the other. Again, we understand here all the anti-White things they do. They are running away from themselves. This is why it is of the utter most importance to help them achieve silence. After they have been presented all the necessary information for their subconsciousness to know that we are right, we must put their consciousness to silence. We must provide it for them. We must educate them again about Nature and how they, as all other humanoid creatures, are just animals. We must let them understand this. And in that silence and in that self-realization will the Jewish planted mind-virus die. For he depends on noise and once that noise is silenced he is gone. Just as the Jew, his propaganda, his voice and his noise, will be gone once we kick him out. Peace, at last.
It is at that point in time that they will understand again that all the non-Whites are currently living in a European created world. They use our technology, our benefits, our achievements, our compassion, our good Nature – and they wish to destroy it, abuse it and throw it away one day. Imagine if Beavers were as big as humans and, for example, Africans as small as beavers who can not create any proper house of their own. Imagine if Beavers were to allow Africans to live inside of their constructed homes. The Beaver House is technology. This is what our relationship between Humanoid species is. But, does the Bear allow you to live in his cave? Do the Bees allow others to enter they Home and get close to their Queen? Don’t the Ants defend their Nation as well? Why then, I wonder, does the White Humanoid Animal share everything it has with other Humanoid Animals on this planet?
And how did we come to the point where we want to self-suicide for them? What do you think will happen to our Nuclear Power Plants one day when Europeans become non-White? Who will preserve them? Who will fix them? Who will sustain and maintain the society which White Aryan Europeans have created? Everything we do, as a species, is the expression of our Body, Mind and Soul. The bee does what the bee does. The wolf what the wolf does. We do, what we do. That is Nature. It was only through the Jewish Universalist brainwashing of Equality, Fraternity, Liberty, Diversity, Multi-Culturalism – that everything went to shit. The Jewish future is an artificial one and as such : It has no Future. We need a revolution of the Aryan Truth, an awakening of the Mind among all our People, and afterwards : A moment of pure Silence. A Silence in which we will recollect ourselves, come into balance with our own Nature and our own Self. In that silence we will find strength again, clarity, pride, wisdom, self-determination, courage and the will for self-preservation. This doesn’t imply hatred for other Races, this primarily implies Love for Our own Race. And Love is reactionary, Love is exclusive, Love requires its own Home.
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