Ron Paul Speaks Out Against CISPA

Susanne Posel
Occupy Corporatism
April 26, 2012




Ron Paul is speaking out against the Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act (CIPSA).

He admonishes the Congress, saying, “CISPA is essentially an Internet monitoring bill that permits both the federal government and private companies to view your private online communications with no judicial oversight, provided, of course, that they do so in the name of cyber security.”

In a Texas Straight Talk Address, Paul urges, “The bill is very broadly written and allows the Department of Homeland Security to obtain large swabs of personal information contained in your email or other online communications. It also allows email and other private information found online to be used for purposes far beyond any reasonable definition of fighting cyber terrorism.”

This bill will further allow the NSA and the DoD’s cybercommand to survey all communications of Americans to be profiled and ultimately used against them at the US government’s discretion.

The Electronic Freedom Foundation (EFF) have been very forth-right in speaking out against this new big brother bill.

Legislators have revised some of the language of the bill ; however the total control over the internet has remained intact.

Surprisingly, the Obama administration has released a statement about the disregard to US citizen privacy that the bill essentially affects.

Paul points out that the US government is seeking to “control the internet”. That CISPA is a marriage between “governments and companies like Google and Facebook . . . It permits them to hand over your private communications to government officials without a warrant, circumventing the well-known established federal laws like the Wiretap Act and the Electronic Communications Privacy Act.”

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