Russia against Syria HR resolution

A Saturday statement by the Russian Foreign Ministry said the resolution, proposed upon an EU initiative, views the events in Syria one-sidedly and only blames the Syrian government for violence in the country, addressing no demands to the opposition armed groups, Syrian SANA news agency reported on Sunday.

“The Human Rights Council’s adoption of this biased and unbalanced resolution contradicts the international community’s efforts to spread stability in Syria,” said the statement.

It further said the document also ignores the positive results of such international efforts, including the ones by UN envoy to Syria Kofi Annan.

The statement noted that Russia has worked actively in the procedure of voting to improve the text of the resolution, by proposing amendments to make it, above all, even-handed through condemning violence by the armed terrorist opposition and their recent acts of terrorism in Damascus and Aleppo.

The ministry said since these amendments were not accepted, the Russian delegation was forced to put the draft resolution to vote, as a result of which Russia as well as China and Cuba voted against it.

Russia asserts in the statement that the violence in Syria cannot be stopped unless there is a cease-fire respected by all parties. It further highlights the significance of all political parties in the country to be engaged in a national dialogue without foreign meddling.

The statement also says that Russia’s stance regarding Syria will remain so in the future.


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