“With the agreement between business and labour, every major policy issue has
been resolved on the Gang of Eight,” said Senator Chuck Schumer, who helped
broker the deal.
The senators’ plan would provide a “path to citizenship” for the 11 million
undocumented migrants already living in the US, a victory for Democrats.
However, it will also strengthen significantly increase security at the
US-Mexican border, a key Republican demand.
The issue of immigration reform has provided rare moments of bipartisanship in
Washington following the collapse of talks over a “grand bargain” on fiscal
issues and an increasingly acrimonious debate on gun control.
President Barack Obama sees immigration as a potential “legacy item” of his
second term, according to advisors, while Republicans are eager to use the
issue to reach out to Hispanic voters.
Mr Obama won 70 per cent of the Hispanic vote in last year’s election and
Republican leaders say they know they must improve their standing with
America’s fastest-growing demographic group in order to remain politically
However, many conservatives remain deeply hostile to reforms and Senator Marco
Rubio, a member of the Gang of Eight and a likely 2016 presidential
contender, sounded a note of caution.
While the Gang’s work would “serve as a starting point” the final legislation
“cannot be rushed or done in secret”, he said.
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