Snoop Dogg Documentary Reveals Journey to Snoop Lion

One of the most recognizable names in hip hop is no longer quite the same: After a revelatory experience in Jamaica, Calvin Cordozar Broadus, Jr. — better known as Snoop Dogg — decided to change his artist name to Snoop Lion.

It may sound like a joke, but Snoop Dogg Lion seems to be very serious about it. “I didn’t know that until I went to the temple, where the High Priest asked me what my name was, and I said, ‘Snoop Dogg.’ And he looked me in my eyes and said, ‘No more. You are the light; you are the lion.’ From that moment on, it’s like I had started to understand why I was there,” he said at a press conference in New York.

Snoop Lion expressed his disinterest in hip hop and decided his upcoming record will be a purely reggae one. “I’ve won every accolade you can get in rap, they call me ‘Uncle Snoop’ in rap. When you’re an uncle, it’s time to find something new … I want to feel like a kid again,” he said.

Further proof that Snoop means business: his new Twitter handle, @snoop_lion, as well as his new Tumblr account, available at

Snoop’s spiritual journey to Jamaica and decision to change his name have been documented in an upcoming documentary called Reincarnated. The documentary premieres at the Toronto International Film Festival Sept. 7; check out the trailer above.

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