SPCA Says 15 Cats Found Mutilated in British Columbia City Since June

Canada: Maple Ridge – The SPCA in British Columbia is asking for public to find out who is behind “a disturbing series” of incidents in which 15 cats have been found mutilated in the Maple Ridge area.

The society says the incidents began in June 2011 and the most recent was on almost two weeks ago on March 11 when a black and white cat as found almost completely severed in half.

SPCA spokeswoman Marcie Moriarty says in many of the cases, cats were found severed almost perfectly in half by a sharp object.

She says the actions appear to be deliberate and the society is anxious to find whoever is responsible for the mutilations.

Moriarty says the BC SPCA and the Ridge Meadows RCMP have been working together on this file for several months but have been unable to locate a suspect.

She says the society is asking for the public’s help before more innocent animals are killed.

“It is sickening that anyone would do this and once again we urge anyone with information to please call us so that we can put a stop to this cruel behaviour,” said Moriarty.

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