News Link • Police State
Oath Keepers
the largest radio listening audience in America – got a generous serving
about the police state’s use of “emergencies” and the International
banksters’ capability to create sufficiently grandiose emergencies if
needed. This is Stewart Rhodes up close and personal, candid and free,
answering John B. Wells’ sharp-shooting questions and expounding the way
only Stewart Rhodes can do. We urge all Oath Keepers to enjoy this full
C2C session.
Stewart Rhodes, founder and President of Oath Keepers, argued that
there’s a relentless campaign going on to centralize power, militarize
the police, and strip power out of the hands of average citizens. This
kind of situation sets people up for a dictatorship, such as seen in
Stalinist Russia and Nazi Germany, he remarked. Rhodes believes that
economic collapse and the ensuing chaos will be used to accelerate the
centralizing of power, and the scrapping of the US Constitution.
Stewart also discusses what people need to do now to counter that assault and to prepare for what is coming.
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