- Psychologists reach verdict after probing 10,000 people
Tamara Cohen
Last updated at 11:17 PM on 4th January 2012
From different worlds: Latest research backs up much of what bestselling book Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus preached years ago – that the opposite sexes are just that
Ever suspected that the opposite sex comes from another planet? It seems they might as well.
Men and women really are different, according to a study – and while the differences between them may not come as a shock, the scale of them might.
Researchers found that the average man and woman share only 10 per cent of their personality traits.
Psychologically, they concluded, the sexes may as well come from different worlds – along the lines of the bestselling book Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus.
However, when it comes to the remaining 90 per cent of each group’s characteristics, the results may be considered a little more predictable.
The fairer sex, for example, tend to display higher levels of sensitivity and warmth, while men are generally more emotionally stable and dominant.
Psychologists at Manchester University and in Italy analysed the results of personality tests which were given to 10,000 people and measured 15 traits.
In keeping with age-old stereotypes, women scored more highly on sensitivity, warmth and feelings of apprehension, while men fared better on emotional stability, dominance and rule consciousness, or sense of duty.
The researchers concluded that there were ‘extremely large’ personality differences between the sexes which could have implications in the workplace.
Co-author Dr Paul Irwing, of Manchester University’s Psychometrics at Work Research Group, said: ‘It was a really surprising finding.
‘The conventional view, and my own view, was that there would have been much greater overlap, but actually there is an extremely large difference.
Together, yet miles apart: Psychologists found that the average man and woman share only 10 per cent of their personality traits
It sounds highly stereotypical, but
you find a huge proportion of women in the caring and socially related
professions such as teaching and nursing and administration.
‘People self-select professions in which they will feel happy and satisfied and that is no bad thing.’
the study, published today in journal PLoS One, the researchers
conclude that it is ‘difficult to overstate the theoretical and
practical importance’ of their findings.
But Dr Irwing stressed that there are
still ‘massive individual differences’ between men and women, partly due
to personal variations in hormone levels.
Janet Hyde, Professor of Psychology and Women’s Studies at the
University of Wisconsin–Madison, argued that other studies based on
millions of people showed men and women are ‘very similar on most
psychological variables’.
Sliding scale: This table shows where the male and female traits overlap and where we completely differ from the other sex
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Kate Manchester You can barely control your feminist bile. At two months the foetus is bombarded with testosterone, this is what determines how we end up. The average man has 10 times more than the average female. Testosterone is also responsible for how sexual and how aggressive you are The female army medic who shot the Taliban said on these pages there are women who are capable of shoving a bayonet into somebody, equally there are some men who could never do that, even to save their own lives.. But to you Frankfurt School feminists we must all look to our feminine side. A big “moon” to feminism.
——————— David, Tamworth, 05/1/2012 06:03—————————————–the middle finger would be more appropriate……..
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just ask nayone who has had children , they cant believe how different a boy and girl can be right from the start , they are chalk and cheese
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Kate Manchester You can barely control your feminist bile. At two months the foetus is bombarded with testosterone, this is what determines how we end up. The average man has 10 times more than the average female. Testosterone is also responsible for how sexual and how aggressive you are The female army medic who shot the Taliban said on these pages there are women who are capable of shoving a bayonet into somebody, equally there are some men who could never do that, even to save their own lives.. But to you Frankfurt School feminists we must all look to our feminine side. A big “moon” to feminism.
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Women don’t need a personality, as long as they can cook, that’s more important.
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Yes men really are different to women hence I’m a woman living with another wonderful woman. The difference is just too much for me. At least I know where I am with another woman and that makes life much less stressful and as we are both caring and loving, it makes being together a joy.
– GF, UK, 4/1/2012 23:22
============= I agree (but for the male gender). It’s not that I find women stressful, not at all – it’s more that I can’t do anything on an equal level. When my spouse hits me, I can hit him right back and we end up on the floor wrestling and punching out our frustrations. Can a man and woman do that? Not really. But I understand it even less why women go out with men (other than the biological attraction). When you look at crime, S.T.Ds, safety – all logic points to the fact that women are the safest. Oh well, I guess it makes people’s lives more interesting. And also helps continue the human species, that’s a big plus for them opposite gender relations.
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“men fared better on emotional stability, dominance and rule consciousness, or sense of duty.” — I have one question, and I ask this as a man. Why do men commit the most crimes, planned or random, if men are more emotionally stable and rule conscious? Any logical man would admit there is something wrong with this claim, particularly more so when we have seen the reactions of boyfriends/husbands and the consequences it has for an entire family to be wiped out in a matter of a few hours. As always, junk pop psychology always fails to take into consideration one thing – the real world!
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Finally, proof that it’s in the genes. It’s time for our American culture to stop telling men to be more like women and women to be more like men so we get along. I remember this experiment from the 70’s here in America . Teachers were trained to be social engineers to mold young minds according to he latest egalitarian behavior control theories. On the contrary, differences help one play an important role to others are valuable and complimentary. The simple idea that we should all be like each other so we like each other is just wrong.
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Yes I have to agree !! Just ask My Mother-Inlaw…….
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Yes, and studies that come up with such stereotyped conclusions such as these are from Uranus!
The fact is that both men and women can have traits and attributes from both the male and female qualities and tendencies shown here (in pink and blue:)
Sensitivity is absolutely not a mostly female attribute, and n’or is perfectionism a mostly male characteristic.
Mayhap the only reason that women tend towards nursing and teaching, etc, is because they are still being brought up to believe that they can only aim for choosing ‘respectable’ professions that also reflect their ‘more’ feminine nature. Like,’do well’, but don’t make too many waves by daring to go for the jobs that have been ‘traditionally’, erstwhile ‘jobs for the boys’.
Ability, along with sensiibility, has nothing to do with gender; and IMO where men and women end up, still has more to do with perceived gender expectations, than it has about the actual mix of potential for both sexes. Big ‘moon’ to this ‘study’.
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Yes men really are different to women hence I’m a woman living with another wonderful woman. The difference is just too much for me. At least I know where I am with another woman and that makes life much less stressful and as we are both caring and loving, it makes being together a joy. No offence but men do absolutely nothing for me. I admire their physical strength but otherwise most of them are an egotistical pain in the backside.
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