Sydney home searched for Sarac’s remains

Police are searching for the remains of a Sydney father at a house built by a man wanted for questioning over his suspected murder seven years ago.

Forensic experts descended on the house in Excelsior Street in the western Sydney suburb of Merrylands on Tuesday.

They are using ground-penetrating radar to examine the concrete slab of the two-storey home which they suspect may contain the remains of Cengiz Sarac.

The 24-year-old went missing in August 2005 and was last seen leaving his home in Auburn, western Sydney.

Mr Sarac was known to police and may have been murdered over drugs or money. Last week police released computer-generated images of three men they believe may be linked to his disappearance.

Flemington Local Area Commander Phil Rogerson told reporters one of the men was the original owner of the house.

He is also known to police.

“We believe the original home owner may be one of these people in the comfit,” Supt Rogerson said on Tuesday.

A recent search of Duck Creek at Auburn detected skeletal remains which police now say were not human.

Further inquires and assistance by members of the public have led police to search the Merrylands house.

“We are confident that the information is good but we are not sure that the remains will be there,” Supt Rogerson said.

The technology will allow experts to detect any cavities or possible skeletal remains in the concrete slab.

The house was built in 2005, at the time of Mr Sarac’s disappearance, and was sold in 2007 to the current occupants.

Police have relocated that family to another residence while they spend the next two to three days removing the furniture, creating a grid search pattern and examining the concrete slab.

“We will not be ruling out pulling up the concrete,” Supt Rogerson said.

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