The Advance Vaccine Directive Card—What is it and how does it work?


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Advance Vaccine Directive Cards are “The embodiment of Informed Consent.”
Rima E. Laibow, MD, Natural Solutions Foundation Medical Director

“Informed Consent is the defining issue of the 21st Century.”
Maj. Gen. Bert Stubblebine (US Army Ret.) Foundation President

Summary of Legal Justification for the AVD Card: Even a “…diminished expectation of privacy does not diminish the… privacy interest in preventing a government agent from piercing the… skin. And though a blood test conducted in a medical setting by trained personnel is less intrusive than other bodily invasions, this Court has never retreated from its recognition that any compelled intrusion into the human body implicates significant, constitutionally protected privacy interests…” (Missouri v. McNeely, US Supreme Court, 2013).


[1] What is the Advance Vaccine Directive?
[2] What purpose does an Advance Vaccine Directive serve?
[3] How does someone properly assert their Advance Vaccine Directives?
[4] Who should be informed that an Advance Vaccine Directive has been created?
[5] Does a Vaccine Advance Directive protect your vaccination rights when you may not be able to decide for yourself?
[6] Do Advance Vaccine Directive cards serve as a vaccine exemption to general law requirements concerning mandated vaccines?
[7] Do the Advance Vaccine Directive or the Geneva Convention supersede existing laws regarding mandated vaccination for school attendance?
[8] Vaccine advocates say “Public Health trumps Individual Liberties”
[9] Is there existing Court precedent that supports Informed Consent vs Mandated or Coerced vaccination?
[10] Why is it important for ALL parents and patients to have true Informed Consent over all medical procedures and decisions?
[11] Where can I find further information about the AVD Card?


[1] What is the Advance Vaccine Directive?

The Advance Vaccine Directive is a type of Advance Health Care Directive (sometimes called “Living Wills” — which are a widely recognized way to express the intent of the declarant, that is, the person who has signed the Advance Vaccine Directive card).


[2] What purpose does an Advance Vaccine Directive serve?

Advance Vaccine Directives clearly state the intention of the signer to refuse all vaccinations and serve notice to all potential vaccinators that this Health Care Directive or Living Will is both lawful and has serious consequences for anyone violating that intention. It is Constitutionally protected expressive association speech.

The Advance Vaccine Directive card is similar to cards carried by diabetics, people allergic to penicillin or other conditions. Members of certain religions declare their intent to refuse all transfusions by carrying a card which reads, “I refuse all transfusions.”

[3] How does someone properly assert their Advance Vaccine Directives?

Since the intention of the signer must be clearly stated and dated, people can assert their intention to refuse vaccines by completing the card and carrying it with them at all times. You may date it the date of your birth.


[4] Who should be informed that an Advance Vaccine Directive has been created?

Once the Advance Vaccine Directive card has been signed and dated (or signed for another person and dated), potential vaccinators should be notified and a copy of the front and back should be placed in the medical or other records of the signer.

We recommend providing your primary care physician, your child’s pediatrician, any specialists with whom you are in treatment, the health officer at your place of employment and other health personnel with a copy of the front and back of the card and a letter requesting that the copy be placed in the permanent medical record of the signer.

The card should be presented, but NOT surrendered, if hospital, urgent or other emergency care is needed.

We recommend carrying a copy of the card with you as well as the original so that you can provide that copy without losing control of, and therefore proof of, the card itself.

At a hospital the card can be exhibited with a request for a notation on the patient’s Chart.

[5] Does a Vaccine Advance Directive protect your vaccination rights when you may not be able to decide for yourself?

Local governmental units such as counties, school boards, States and even nations may pass laws mandating vaccinations.  These are superseded by treaty law, which overrides local and national laws. For example,the 126 countries which have ratified the Geneva Conventions.

The relationship between various international conventions and Informed Consent is discussed here: Law Note on Informed Consent and the Geneva Conventions:


The Geneva Conventions specifically protect Informed Consent – the right to say “ NO!” to any medical intervention, including vaccination, without penalty, pressure or punishment.


Therefore, no matter where you live, your right to Informed Consent trumps the right of the government to tell you that you must surrender your right to Informed Consent. 

At this time, there is limited case law on the issue of vaccination rights; please see our General Brief on this topic here:



[6] Do Advance Vaccine Directive cards serve as a vaccine exemption to general law requirements concerning mandated vaccines?

No legislation may abolish Informed Consent rights. Litigation is pending that may clarify some of this, but, in general, statutory exemptions (such as the philosophical and religious exemptions recently revoked by the crony-corrupt CA legislature and that state’s Governor Jerry Brownshirt) are not the same as Informed Consent rights. The UN Informed Consent Convention makes that clear when it says that local law may regulate, but not prevent, Informed Consent.

[7] Do the Advance Vaccine Directive or the Geneva Convention supersede existing laws regarding mandated vaccination for school attendance?

It’s more complicated than that. 

[1] Each human person has the right of Informed Consent — see our Brief cited above for the legal precedents.

[2] Each child in, say, California, has a state constitutional guarantee to a “free public education”, so-called.

[3] The local legislature presumes to abolish statutory exemptions, excluding unvaccinated children from a free public education even when there is no epidemic occurring.

[4] The state has thereby imposed an “unconstitutional condition” requiring the surrender of a right (to Informed Consent) to receive a public benefit (“free public education”).

That is unlawful under a whole string of high court cases. What will the state have to do? Allow vax-free children into school except during epidemics? Pay for private schooling or home schooling for such children? Whatever the remedy, the state MUST

(1) respect the right of Informed Consent and
(2) respect the state constitutional guarantee of “free public education.”


[8] Vaccine advocates say “Public Health trumps Individual Liberties”. Should a family be prepared to assert their rights in court?

Such “vaccine advocates” are no more than violent thugs willing to use government force to impose their peculiar beliefs that are contrary to both law and science. Vaccines have been declared by multiple courts in the USA as “unavoidably unsafe.” They are an uninsurable risk. Rather, the “vaccine advocates” who are physicians need to rethink their oath to “Do No Harm.” They need to drop their collectivist focus, remember their professional obligation to their individual patients, and put down their needle guns.

[9] Is there existing Court precedent that supports Informed Consent vs Mandated or Coerced vaccination?

Yes. Schloendorff v. Society of New York Hosp.,105 N.E. 92, 93 (N.Y. 1914) – medical intervention without Informed Consent is assault and battery and malpractice; Jacobson v. Commonwealth of Massachusetts, 197 U.S. 11 (1905) – the Courts “are not without power” to intervene regarding mandated vaccines; and  Missouri vs McNeely, 569 US _ (2013) – assert Informed Consent or it is deemed waived. Also, See Justice Sotomayor’s 2011 dissent in Bruesewitz vs Wyeth, where she discusses the history of “unavoidably unsafe.” These cases are covered in the Brief cited above.

SpCt.NcNeely.banner“This Court has never retreated from its recognition that
any compelled intrusion into the human body
implicates significant, constitutionally protected privacy interests…”
US Supreme Court, Missouri v McNeely, 2013


[10] Why is it important for ALL parents and patients to have true Informed Consent over all medical procedures and decisions?

It’s only important for parents and adults if they want to preserve their Informed Consent right to make decisions about their children’s or their own health, and who have done the research to know that vaccination is a pseudo-science that only serves greed, while killing and maiming children and adults.


People are always free to voluntarily submit their decision-making rights to third parties, such as the crony-corrupt CDC. This is all about freedom of choice; those who fear freedom are always free to be slaves, offering their children to Moloch, so long as they don’t insist that the rest of us join their herd. Especially at culling time.

[11] Where can I find further information about the AVD Card

Ralph Fucetola JD
Natural Solutions Trustee



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