
brain mapping

President Obama is making new investments in the “BRAIN” Initiative — a bold new research effort to revolutionize our understanding of the human mind and uncover new ways to treat, prevent, and cure brain disorders like Alzheimer’s, schizophrenia, autism, epilepsy, and traumatic brain injury. Look at the graphic posted on Obama’s White House site and tell me we don’t have anything to be concerned about.

The Brain Research through Advancing Innovative Neurotechnologies, or BRAIN, as the project is now called, aims to reconstruct the activity of every single neuron as they fire simultaneously in different brain circuits, or perhaps even whole brains.

“The “next great American project,” as Obama called it, could help neuroscientists understand the origins of cognition, perception, and other enigmatic brain activities, which may lead to new, more effective treatments for conditions like autism or mood disorders and could help veterans suffering from brain injuries.”


The Noah Factor

If one knew that the human race and all other species were going to go extinct through natural consequences, or were going to be wiped out, a Noah’s arc would likely be built in order to reconstruct the planet in someone’s, certainly not God’s, image. If one can read through the lines, the following quote from the project speaks to this possibility.

“The BRAIN initiative proposes to develop new technologies that can record the activity from thousands, if not millions or billions, of neurons simultaneously at timescales matching behavior and mental activities. The initiative will likely tackle discrete brain circuits within different species of animals to understand how neurons work together to give rise to behaviors, moods, and other mental phenomena.”  

Having read volumes on this topic, it is quite clear that this technology is a decisive first step toward controlling an organism by controlling the processes which controls thought.

Unmistakable Referencing to Mind Control

Brain mapping under the guise of research has the strong appearance of being a whole lot more than someone’s laboratory investigation. Consider the very telling excerpt in which project managers state that they want to implant electrodes in hundreds of cell membranes by an army of nan0particles which will allow these nanoparticles to become apart of the cell membrane functioning. The process is descried in the project managers own words:

“…Nanoprobes bearing several dozen electrodes, for instance, could be stacked to probe hundreds of thousands of recording sites and transmit data wirelessly.

Alternatively, nanoparticles carrying molecules that bring them to specific cell types could lodge in cell membranes so surgical placement wouldn’t be necessary. The nanoparticles  could also carry molecules that can sense electrical activity, pressure, or even certain chemicals revealing brain activity.”

Selective Serotonin Reuptake inhibitors (SSRI’s) are absorbed by the cells upon consumption.  What’s reuptake? “It’s the process in which neurotransmitters are naturally reabsorbed back into nerve cells in the brain after they are released to send messages between nerve cells. A reuptake inhibitor prevents this from happening. Instead of getting reabsorbed, the neurotransmitter stays — at least temporarily — in the gap between the nerves, called the synapse”. Ok,now I am going to make this simple. The serotonin is not stored within the cell membrane because of the nature of the SSRI. However, in the brain mapping project, the nanoparticles are embedded directly into the cell membrane where all proactive thinking and reactive thinking originates. The Brain Mapping Project has just described how they will control all thought and consequently all action.

Disbursement of the Nanoparticles

Site injections would be the primary means of disbursement and this modern day “invasion of the body snatchers” would do its work. Some cell sites could be enhanced and some could be disabled depending on the end game goal. This part of the technology has already been developed. See my previous investigation in to the genesis of this technology beginning with Jose Delgado whose technology was based upon frequency modulation. Different frequencies produce different behaviors resulting from different mood states.

The globalist enforcement agents cannot go door to door and administer these silver bullet mind control injections. However, these changes can be ingested in a macro fashion through chemtrails and HAARP. There are researchers who are looking into the possibility that GMO foods are a conducting agent of this process as well. The jury is still out on the latter.

In 1961, mind control researcher, Jose Delgado was able to implant the hypothalamus of a cat with a transducer and manifest an uncontrollable rage in the animal. Keep in mind that this technology is over 60 years old. One can only imagine how far this technology has come during that time.

Delgado’s famous bull fight and the angry cat are depicted in the following video.


The lesson is clear, embedded chips can turn normal people into crazed killers and it can take crazed killers and turn them into passive beings. Interestingly, the most famous graduate of the MK Ultra program was the Unabomber, Ted Kaczynski.

What becomes clear at this point is that through the Brain Mapping Project, they have learned how to bypass the brain’s safeguards and go directly into the cell membrane. In the second part of the mind control endeavor, it is clear that the researchers will combine a modern day application of Delgado’s original work alter the frequency of the cell membrane of an organism and control the origination point for all thought. And with Chemtrails and other disbursement strategies, the entire population can be impacted.

Dave Hodges and Josh Coy Discuss the Technology

This video also includes a discussion of how the globalists will block Trump from ever getting the nomination. One has to wonder if any aspect of this nature will ever be applied and could it be applied to this, the most controversial election in American history.

Technology is neutral. What makes technology evil is the inherently sinful nature of man. At the State of the Union Message, Obama wholeheartedly endorsed the project. It easy to understand why. This is Obama’s  Brave New World. This will prove to be evil incarnate.


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