The Overpopulation Myth ‘MYTH’


I keep hearing, even among some in the alternative media, that the
overpopulation of humans on our planet is a myth because “all the people
in the world could fit in the state of Texas.” Sure they can, but where would they pee? ~ Mike Adams

is not an idle question. The argument that the world isn’t
overpopulated merely because they could theoretically all be squeezed
into one large land mass is an utterly fallacious argument, and I need to urge my friends in the alternative media to stop making this argument because it doesn’t fly.

question of overpopulation is not — and has never been — how many
humans the planet can physically hold in terms of cubic meters and
physical volume. The question is how many humans the biosphere can support in terms of sustainable life.

isn’t a complicated thing to understand: Your physical body could fit
in a box that’s 24 x 24 x 80 inches. It’s called a coffin. But your biological needs require a far larger footprint on the planet.

You need water, for starters. Where does it come from? I guarantee you
use far more water each day than falls on a 24″ x 24″ piece of land. The
water needs of a single person vastly outpace the physical space that
person occupies.

The entire population of Los Angeles, for example,
needs literally thousands of square miles of water basin space to
capture all the water that’s pumped into their artificial city.

need food. Where does the food come from? Vast tracts of land that need
sunshine, water and soil.

It’s not hard to imagine that the food needs
of a single person on our planet probably exceed one thousand square
meters of land. If we really squeezed the entire global population into the state of Texas, where would they grow their food?

produce biological waste. Where does all your waste go? Processing that
waste and “recycling” it back into the ecosystem requires huge amounts
of land space.

Nature needs a large, functioning ecosystem to dilute,
process and transform the waste products of humanity, and in fact nature
isn’t even keeping up.

All told, the amount of land space
required to support one human life is immensely larger than the amount
of physical space occupied by one human body.

This is classically called
the “ecological footprint” of a human being. It’s not a conspiracy theory and it’s not something fabricated by Al Gore: We really do need a LOT of space to meet the demands of food, water, energy, resources, waste processing and so on.

the argument that “the entire population of the world could fit inside
the state of Texas” is complete nonsense. You can fit a dozen people in a
phone booth, but if you leave them in there for too long, they will

If you cut off Los Angeles from the rest of the world, it will die.
If you cut off New York City from the rest of the country, it will die.
To support life, people need far more land mass on the planet than
their physical bodies occupy.

“Carrying capacity” is a real concept…

Earth obviously has a finite amount of any given resource. The water
volume is finite (but reusable if cleaned by nature). Oxygen production
is finite. The amount of sunlight radiation reaching the surface of the
planet is finite. Soil is finite. Rare earth minerals are finite. Oil is
finite at any given moment in time, even if the Earth does produce more
oil over long periods of time.

Given that all these things are
finite — and therefore not unlimited — the global population that
depends on these things for sustenance must obviously be finite as well.
Anyone who argues that the human population can be “unlimited” even while depending on finite resources is being ridiculous.

by all foundations of logic, there is a limited “carrying capacity” of
the planet, meaning there is a finite number of human beings who can be
supported by the biosphere.

It’s not rocket science to realize this, yet I still hear people arguing that overpopulation
is a “myth” because the Earth has no limits. That’s absurd. Of course
the Earth has limits.

If the Earth had no limits, it would be larger
than the solar system, larger than the Milky Way, and larger than the
entire galaxy. Because infinite is greater than any integer.

If you give
me a really, really large number, like 1.2 to the power of 10 to the
power of one trillion, infinity is still larger than that. So to argue
that the Earth’s resources are “infinite” is to admit you are
mathematically retarded.

The real question is this: Have we
already exceeded the carrying capacity of this planet with finite
resources, or is it still far off?

Those who say overpopulation
is a myth insist that the current human population — over 7 billion
people — is nowhere near the carrying capacity of the planet and that
we can continue to double our population every few decades for the
foreseeable future.

If that were true, then the current population would
need to be living in harmony with the planet, with an excess buffer of
fresh water, food, topsoil, ocean life, watershed areas and so on.

And yet, when I look around I do not see a civilization living in harmony with the ecosystem. In fact, I see a civilization living on borrowed time, having already vastly exceeded the carrying capacity of the planet to the point where a population collapse is inevitable.

Human civilization is living on borrowed time…

What are the signs that we are living on borrowed time? Let me name just a few:

In America, India and China, underground water aquifers that produce
the food that feeds the population is plummeting rapidly. Many aquifers
will be dry by 2040, including the Ogallala Aquifer that stretches from Texas to South Dakota and provides irrigation for the breadbasket agricultural hub of America.

• The pollution produced by the current population is murdering every ecosystem imaginable. Oceans are dying, coral reefs are dying, rivers are dying and rainforests are dying.
If the human population were small compared to the total carrying
capacity, we shouldn’t see the natural ecosystems dying all around us.

Soils are disappearing
across the world’s agricultural centers. We are losing topsoil at a
record pace around the world, and once those top soils are gone, food
production yields plummet. (You can’t feed the world by growing food in

• Humanity’s voracious appetite for energy has led to the
global proliferation of “Earth-killing” technologies such as nuclear
power plants. The Fukushima disaster proved that demand for power has
caused energy industries to risk the viability of human life across the
planet in order to produce more power for humanity’s artificial cities.

Hydrocarbons continue to drive the world economy, yet there’s very good
evidence that oil supplies in the Middle East are drying up (production
is falling). While the planet can produce more hydrocarbons over millions of years,
it cannot double its oil supply in a few decades. Thus, the demand for
oil vastly outstrips the ability of the planet to produce it.

Look at the outrageous crowding in cities like New York and Los Angeles.
The highways exist in a seemingly endless logjam, and there’s hardly a
public open space left remaining anywhere in these cities, with New
York’s Central Park being the rare exception.

Housing shortages and
housing building materials shortages (wood, concrete, steel) are all
very, very real. This is why building homes has become ridiculously
expensive over the last few years. China is buying concrete and steel
from the USA and shipping it overseas on large sea freighters.

The depletion of ocean fisheries is also very real. As the human
population over-fishes the oceans in search of food, ocean life is
experiencing an unprecedented die-off. Many species have plummeted to
“red alert” levels due to over-fishing.

I could go on, but the
point is that when I look around, I do not see a world functioning with
excess capacity. I see a world that seems to be over-tapped,
over-exploited, over-farmed and over-populated.

Nearly every river that
empties into the oceans creates a massive “dead zone” of chemicals,
heavy metals and pharmaceutical runoff. Chemical contamination has
become so alarmingly bad that every person reading this carries 250+
synthetic chemicals in their bodies that don’t belong there.

Autism is
skyrocketing, cancer is striking younger and younger children, and the
food is increasingly tainted with pollutants caused by humankind.

This is not the description of a planet with excess carrying capacity. This is a description of a planet that is DYING.

Another fallacious argument about the overpopulation myth…

Yet another poorly-conceived argument used by the “overpopulation myth” supporters goes like this:

The world isn’t overpopulated because populations are actually falling in many developed nations like Japan.

that’s the entire logic of the argument. But the logic forgets to take
into account that populations are falling in selected areas precisely because they are already overpopulated there.

Tokyo, by any stretch of the imagination, is wildly overpopulated. The population of Tokyo, in fact, has vastly exceeded the carrying capacity of the entire island nation of Japan,
requiring vast inputs of resources and food from other land masses
around the globe.

If Japan halted all imports, the population of Tokyo
would starve to death in a matter of weeks.

The primary reason
why Japan’s population is in decline is because intelligent young
Japanese couples look around and see skyrocketing costs for housing
(caused by overpopulation), skyrocketing costs to feed a new baby
(caused by overpopulation), skyrocketing costs for home construction,
clothing, education and other things… all caused by overpopulation
(i.e. too many people and not enough resources or open space).

The decline in Japan’s population is a classic example of a self-regulating population that sees the overcrowding (and all the economic penalties which accompany it) and make a conscious decision to not reproduce.

Yet, somehow, the overpopulation myth people say Japan’s declining population is proof that it’s not overpopulated!

Wow, that’s the complete opposite of reality.

But beware of population control eugenicists…

this does not mean, by the way, that I support the globalist population
control agenda. Governments and global controllers are seizing upon the
overpopulation problem and using it to justify mass murder.

population control agenda is being run right now, right under your nose,
through programs like toxic vaccines, free abortions, geoengineering
pollution (chemtrails) and GMOs. The point of all this is to collapse the human population and get it “closer to zero,” as Bill Gates often explains.

like Gates and Ted Turner openly admit they are pursuing population
control measures, but they call it safe-sounding things like
“reproductive health.”

In no way do I support their death agendas for
the human race, and I do not support their contention that the global
population should be reduced by 90% or so (depending on who you ask).

Ted Turner wants the population to be no more than 1 billion people.
That means somehow six billion people have to die.

So how do we solve this problem? Well, frankly, we don’t.
Because we’re such an infantile race of stupid creatures just barely
more intelligent than apes, we are going to ride this crazy train of
idiocy right into the ground.

We are going to burn out this planet, kill
the ecosystem, poison the waters and taint the skies. And most of the
population is going to giggle all the way to their own graves as they
perish from the very same systems of self-destruction they voted for at
the polling booths.

From a galactic perspective, humankind wears
the “dunce” hat. In fact, we are probably referred to by other
intelligent civilizations as the “radioactive hominids” because we are
stupid enough to detonate hundreds of nuclear weapons on our own planet,
followed by building hundreds more nuclear power facilities, all of
which are extremely vulnerable to a solar flare event that could kill
virtually all human life on the planet.

I predict the human race
will destroy itself and collapse back to a tiny population of ragged
survivors. Even beyond that, I say this has likely already happened at a smaller scale. We are not the first civilization to rise and fall on this planet, nor will we be its last.

Our planet is full of evidence of lost civilizations
that were once great yet perished into oblivion. There is convincing
evidence that an atomic blast happened in the Middle East thousands of
years ago.

There is also evidence that ancient civilizations possessed
highly advanced technologies that have since been lost. (A full
discussion of this is covered in Jim Marrs’ new book, Our Occulted History.)

modern humans stomp around the planet with a twisted sense of arrogance
intertwined with obliviousness, having no idea what destroyed previous
civilizations on our planet yet somehow believing we are immune to such

We believe we are “superior” but can’t answer the question,
“Superior at what?” Making nuclear bombs? Manufacturing synthetic
pesticides? Creating genetic monstrosities that dot the agricultural

This is not progress, and it’s not sustainable life on
a planet. Unless we change very soon, we will destroy ourselves and
render the overpopulation problem moot. Before long, no one will even be
left alive to care that there even existed an evil creature named “Bill
Gates.” It matters not one inkling in the timescale of our planet’s

When future archeologists dig up our modern-day cities
to study humanity’s dark past, they will find mercury, plastic bags,
pill bottles, toxic electronics and fragments of human bone giving off
curiously high levels of radiation.

They will wonder what calamity
struck the human race and caused the collapse of global civilization,
and they will likely rise up out of the ashes to make the same mistakes
we are making.

Humanity is a race of short-term thinkers, and
short-term thinkers have no real future on any planet. From a
sufficiently distant perspective, our entire civilization looks like
little more than a colony of hungry bacteria spreading across the
surface of a petri dish until nothing is left to eat and the entire
system collapses.

Don’t kid yourself: We are not as smart as you’ve been
led to believe. If we were, then why would we poison our own food,
water, soils, skies, infants, oceans, crops and planet?


Mike Adams – March 15, 2013 – posted at NaturalNews


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