Blacks will never be respected and will remain “undignified” because they have never created a single viable nation state, Nigerian-born Assistant Professor at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Chigozie Obioma, has announced.
Writing in the Foreign Policy journal, Obioma said that “no one will talk about the painful fact that most African and Caribbean nations have either failed or are about to collapse.”
In the article, titled “There are no successful black nations,” Obioma argued that as long as “Africans continue to ignore Africa’s continuous wallowing in senseless poverty and destructive failures, as long as the Congolese or the Haitian remains the poster child for poverty and lack, we [blacks] will remain undignified.”
The “indignity and helplessness of blacks in America won’t end until we have a first-world African nation to lift up our people,” he says.
Of course, Obioma makes the obligatory accusations against white people for causing African ineptitude through “colonization.”
This commonly-used false argument ignores the historical reality that large parts of Europe were invaded and colonized by nonwhite Huns, Mongols, Moors, and Ottoman Turks centuries before Europeans explored Africa.
Inexplicably—in terms of the “colonization destroys us” argument—the mass nonwhite invasions of Europe did not seem to perpetually cripple all European people.
Obioma does however declare in his article that this “colonization” argument is “only a part of the cause.”
Rather, he goes on to say, the real reason why blacks have no “dignity” is simply because they have been unable to produce any first world nation or infrastructure—ever.
Calling it the “worldwide indignity of the black race,” he points out that anyone of any other race pointing out the total failure of blacks to produce anything is subjected to attack and dismissed as “racist.”
This has resulted in the fact that although everyone knows all black nations are hopeless wrecks, no one dares say so.
Black elites and activists across the world have adopted a culture of verbal tyranny in which they shut down any effort to reason or criticize us or black-majority nations by labeling such attempts as “racism” or “hate speech.”
Thus, one can be certain that any suggestions that our race may indeed need to do something to remedy our situation will not be aired—not by the terrified people of other races.
Therefore, Obioma says:
No one will talk about the painful fact that most African and Caribbean nations have either failed or are about to collapse.
Great men like Marcus Garvey, W. E. B. Du Bois, and Malcolm X all knew that a people is only respected when it has a nation worthy of respect.
A man who lives in a shack cannot expect to be treated with respect at a palace.
They knew that for us to reclaim power we must first reclaim dignity and that this comes through the construction of a solid black state with a demonstrable level of development and prosperity—and which can stand as a powerful advocate for the global black.
Today, no such state exists.
He then goes on to list some of the disaster black states by name, starting off with his country of birth, Nigeria:
Nigeria, the most populous black nation on Earth, is on the brink of collapse.
The machineries that make a nation exist, let alone succeed, have all eroded.
A culture of incompetence, endemic corruption, dignified ineptitude, and, chief among all, destructive selfishness and greed has played a major role in its unravelling.
The same, sadly, can be said for most other African nations.
States like Zimbabwe, Cameroon, and Equatorial Guinea are farcical democracies ruled by men who exclusively cater to their interests and those of their clipped circles.
Obiamo then goes on to admit that the primary reason for the invasion of Europe and America by millions of blacks is because their own nations are self-inflicted disaster zones:
Thus, it is no surprise that in the absence of any healthy black nation—in the midst of chaos, senseless wars, corrupted religiosity, violence, and economic collapse—African and Caribbean people leave home en masse.
They beg on the streets of Greece, prostitute in the red-light zones of the Netherlands, and make up 40 percent of the migrants flocking to Europe.
He admits that the blacks “turn up” in European countries “helpless, unwanted, starved, or maimed.”
This is why, Obiamo says, Africans are looked down upon—because they are so patently helpless. He writes:
Everywhere from Ukraine to India, nearly every day, black indignity, black helplessness, stares us in the face.
In response, he goes on, all blacks do is shout “racism” at everyone, instead of actually trying to create something of which they can be proud.
And all we do, we who hold the platform can do, is scream “racism!” and court the sympathy of others.
If we, black people everywhere, cannot gather the resources within our powers to exert real changes and restore our dignity, we will continue to be seen as weak.
Our protestations and grievances will be met with sympathy, which does nothing to inspire respect.
Black elites should allow for self-criticism and soul-searching and for the restoration of the Pan-Africanist movement with an eye toward building sustainable black nations.
As long as we continue to ignore Africa’s continuous wallowing in senseless poverty and destructive failures, as long as the Congolese or the Haitian remains the poster child for poverty and lack, we will remain undignified.
As long as we continue to ignore our own self-assessment and soul-searching, we will remain the undignified race.
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