Thomson should sit on crossbench: Brandis

Embattled Labor MP Craig Thomson should sit on the crossbench if the Commonwealth Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) pursues criminal charges against him, Liberal frontbencher George Brandis says.

Federal prosecutors have been handed an investigation report into alleged credit card misuse by Mr Thomson, who is the former Health Services Union (HSU) boss.

Fair Work Australia (FWA) began inquiries into the HSU’s national office in April 2009 and kicked off a fully fledged investigation in March 2010.

It’s alleged Mr Thomson, who was the union’s general secretary from 2002 to 2007, misused a credit card for prostitutes, lavish meals and cash withdrawals – allegations he has vehemently denied.

FWA general manager Bernadette O’Neill said in a statement on Tuesday that she had referred the entire 1100-page investigation report – which has yet to be publicly released – to the DPP to consider possible criminal charges.

Ms O’Neill said that in referring the report to prosecutors she was not saying criminal charges were likely or not.

Senator Brandis told Sky News on Tuesday night that FWA should release the report on its own initiative, or a Senate committee would formally ask for it.

He said it was a “matter for the government” whether Mr Thomson continued to sit in the Labor caucus.

The Labor government holds a one-vote majority in the lower house.

“But in my view, no, a member of parliament who is under such a cloud, that he is the subject of a DPP reference and criminal prosecution, cannot sit within the government itself,” Senator Brandis said.

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