Weekday Vegetarian: Celeriac and Carrots in a Lemon Sauce

Photo: Kelly Rossiter/CC BY 2.0

You may be lucky enough to have spring vegetables already this year, but living in Toronto as I do, we are still at least a week or two away from wild leeks, and probably longer for asparagus. I’m still making do with winter vegetables, so celeriac and carrots are still on the menu.

This salad of celeriac and carrots is about as simple as it gets. Everything cooks together in the same pot and then you put it into a bowl and serve it at room temperature. It has a nice bit of sweet and sour taste happening, and the lemon makes it quite refreshing.

This recipe is from The Book of Jewish Food by Claudia Roden.

Celeriac and Carrots in a Lemon Sauce

3 largish carrots, cut into 3/4″ slices
1 celeriac, weighing about 1 1/4 lbs
Juice of 2 lemons
2 tsp sugar
Salt and pepper to taste
4 tbsp extra-virgin olive oil
2 tbsp copped flat-leaf parsley

1. Put the carrots and celeriac in a pan with just enough water to cover. Add lemon, sugar and a little salt and pepper and simmer 25-30 minutes, or until very tender, covering with the lid only part of the time, to reduce the liquid to a sauce.

2. Serve cold, dressed with olive oil and sprinkled with parsley.

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