‘West anti-Iran moves will be costly’

“The US and its Western allies are not able to carry out any operations against Iran and any rash, careless measure will [undoubtedly] impose heavy losses on them [the Western states],” Mehmanparast said Wednesday.

He added that the hegemonic powers’ acts of sabotage against the Islamic Republic are due to the country’s great influence on the global political developments.

Referring to the Israeli regime’s allegations that Iran was involved in the recent attacks on its embassy staff in Georgia, India and Thailand, the Iranian official added that Tel Aviv carries out such terrorist acts and puts the blame on Iran to incite the public opinion against Tehran.

Mehmanparast also added that by preparing unprecedentedly biased reports on Iran’s peaceful nuclear program and creating a negative atmosphere against the human rights situation in the country, the Israeli regime, which is the main source of terrorist acts in Iran and the whole region, wants to hinder Tehran’s progress.

On Tuesday, a man hurled a grenade at the Thai police and a cab. The attacker was injured seriously in the blast. Bangkok police say they found Iranian identification documents on the maimed man.

Earlier in the day, a house rented by three men, who police say were Iranians, exploded when a cache of explosives went off by accident. Soon after that, there was a third blast on a nearby road, Thai police said.

The three explosions in Bangkok happened a day after bomb attacks targeted Israeli embassy staff in India and Georgia.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Iran was behind the attacks. Iran rejected the accusations as baseless and said that they are a part of Tel Aviv’s psychological warfare campaign against Iran.


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