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By John Onesti

If you Google “JFK assassination” as I did today here’s what you’ll likely encounter: In addition to a Wikipedia link, you’ll probably see in the top 10 search results an article written for Newsweek by Max Holland. I’ll start by pointing out that in less than two minutes of research you discover that Max Holland also writes articles for the CIA’s own website. Keeping in mind that the CIA was a major beneficiary of President Kennedy’s death, I could stop right there, but I will also mention that all good researchers and historians have heard the axiom: “know your source.” The mainstream media must really think Americans are stupid, and the Max Holland example is just the beginning.

Also among the first set of results is a website for John McAdams, a professor of political science at Marquette University, and a self proclaimed debunker of “JFK assassination conspiracy theories.” Like Max Holland, McAdams is believed by many to also have intelligence connections. In fact, there’s at least one website devoted to that subject entirely. Let’s move on.

Still on that first search page is a video on history.com. The video erroneously states that it was President Kennedy’s idea to have the protective bubble top removed from his limousine. The statement is not only very misleading but it has been proven by researcher Vince Palamara to be an outright lie. Such talk was in fact a blatant “blame the victim strategy” concocted by the Secret Service as their defense of a monumental failure and potentially treasonous act. No mention of Secret Service negligence or possible participation is discussed nor is an inside job considered. To be fair to The History Channel, it has aired some fine work on the JFK assassination but the disturbing and suspicious coincidence is that this short misleading video appears as a top search result. Considering that a former CIA employee, Robert David Steele, has revealed that Google was itself launched with CIA seed money, I suppose the order of the Google search results on this topic should not come as a surprise.

In the top ten one will also likely spot an article from Newsmax.com entitled “Mafia Hit Man Confesses to Killing President Kennedy” in which a man named James Files claims he was the one who shot President Kennedy from a position on the grassy knoll. The documentary is produced by Hollywood’s own Barry Katz. Interestingly, the article in question keeps the names of Files’ superiors strictly limited to Italian surnames even though Meyer Lansky lost the most in Cuba when Castro took over his Riviera Hotel in Havana. A very quick search will reveal that Newsmax.com was founded in 1998 by Christopher Ruddy, supported by a group of investors including the family of former CIA Director William Casey. I think you’re starting to get the picture.

In the top results there is a link to an article from Vanityfair.com that praises the holy widow, Jacqueline Kennedy, for her courage at the president’s funeral, as well as a piece from the New Yorker which is interesting except that it mixes truth with lies, obscures the focus and gets us no closer to solving the assassination. It’s worth pointing out that Vanity Fair’s editors are former employees of Time magazine.

In conclusion, you will be hard pressed to find any information in Google’s first page search results that even suggest a possibility of an inside job or scrutinize those in and around the Presidential limousine, and none that ask the following questions:

1) Why did Secret Service supervisor Emory Roberts call agent Don Lawton off President Kennedy’s limo at the airport? And why are no agents riding on the back of the car?

2) In short, what was the role of each of the Secret Service agents in the assassination? Were they involved, and if so what was their role in the plot?

3) What caused JFK’s initial distress behind the street sign? And if it was a gunshot why does nobody react?

4) If numerous shots were being fired at the Presidential limousine prior to the fatal head shot why is nobody, with exception of JFK, reacting in any substantial way until after the fatal head shot?

5) Did all those in the car including Governor Connally and Jackie Kennedy play a role in the assassination, and if so what was it?

6) What was the real reason the driver, William Greer slowed the car?

7) Why did Jackie expose her entire body on the back of the car if there were so many shots being fired in the plaza?

8) Why is it that Governor Connally can be seen moving about the car after the fatal head shot?

9) Why was Governor Connally’s suit sent to Washington DC for cleaning?

10) What about the Parkland doctors’ reports of JFK’s left temple wound?

11) Was the tracheotomy performed at Parkland necessary? And if not, why was it done?

12) Why was the JFK’s back wound not seen at Parkland Hospital and only “discovered” later when his body was examined at Bethesda?

Fifty-one years later and JFK assassination still remains a mystery. Why? Because disinformation agents have kept researchers looking only at Lee Harvey Oswald or a faceless shooter on the knoll instead of scrutinizing those in and around JFK’s limousine.


John Onesti is a JFK assassination researcher and the author of the book ‘Assassination Point Blank.’ He contests the official story as well as the grassy knoll theory. Onesti believes that President Kennedy’s downfall was a coup d’état engineered by powerful forces and a betrayal carried out by those in and around the presidential limousine.

 To order John’s book, Assassination Point Blank, click here. 

Dave Hodges

Dave Hodges

Source Article from http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/DaveHodges-TheCommonSenseShow/~3/-ZuPHqmvugc/

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