Pro-vaccination lobby and Australian press launch vicious campaign against freedom of information and choice
Sherri Tenpenny is an American anti-vaccine campaigner who was set to give talks across Australia this year. Her tour is now under threat, as the Australian press have begun a smear campaign against her, backed by the pro-vaccine lobby. Venues have started pulling out under the pressure, and even Australian health minister Jill Hennessey has called for organizers to cancel.
The question is, should parents have the right to both sides of the vaccination debate before making a clear and informed personal decision about what is best for their children? Is it correct that governments have the power to enforce vaccination programs without offering parents the opportunity to do their own research and be exposed to an alternative view?
Dr. Sherri Tenpenny was previously targeted by the United Nations as a leading ‘influencer’ of parents for arguing that vaccines cause brain injury. Watch Sherri Tenpenny’s arguments in this interview with Next News Network above, and tell us what you think in the comments.
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