Why the Christian apostate Hitler joined the Jews in a low hell

Why the Christian apostate Hitler joined the Jews in a low hell


Okay, so we know Adolf “Jacob” Hitler was raised a Roman Catholic, got confirmed in church, sang in the choir, and said, just prior to coming power: “I am now as before a Catholic and will always remain so.” But that hardly means he and all the countless other Catholics with similar ‘Christian’ credentials had made their peace with God through Jesus Christ and passed into the good and not the bad place after death.

Especially since we know that in private table talk Hitler denied outright and even ridiculed the core doctrines of Christianity, especially the Trinity of the Deity and the divinity of Jesus Christ as Israel’s messiah. In fact while he allowed both Protestant and Catholic Christians to practice their faith in the Reich, he aligned himself and the National Socialist movement in Germany with so-called Positive Christianity, which was really a quirky cult like the crazed contemporary Christian Identity outfit, that had sought to completely reinterpret the Bible and purge traditional and biblical Christianity of its Jewish elements, especially a Jewish messiah.

The Nazi bosses gave lip service to both Protestantism and Catholicism; but they really despised Christianity and wanted to eradicate it

The Nazi bosses gave lip service to both Protestantism and Catholicism; but they really despised Christianity and wanted to eradicate it

Yes, Hitler had stated publicly in his political spiel that he believed in “the Lord” and a god; but that was only so that the many Protestant and Catholic Christians in Germany wouldn’t despise him and reject his ideology outright. Yes, Hitler has been cited by some researchers into his somewhat vague personal life as a deist; but you can be sure that his god was not at all Trinitarian, like the God of Israel’s patriarchs and the Bible; and if he had one at all it would have been a Unitarian idol, like the stellar idol of apostate Jewry and the moon idol of pagan Islam.

Like some of the political lackeys of Jewry, a two-faced Hitler publicly and politically endorsed traditional Christianity, while privately ridiculing its core doctrine and intending to ultimately eradicate it

Like some of the political lackeys of Jewry, a two-faced Hitler publicly and politically endorsed traditional Christianity, while privately ridiculing its core doctrine and intending to ultimately eradicate it

Just check it out and you’ll find that Hitler was, in biblical terms, very definitely and strictly speaking an arrogant antichrist. Not just because he was militantly opposite to God, Christ, and Christianity in his personal beliefs and ideology; but more specifically because the New Testament states plainly that anyone who denies the Trinity of the Deity and the divinity of Jesus has no salvation and only God’s curse and eternal damnation. Especially if they’ve preached another gospel, which is not another, and have another Jesus other than the biblical Jesus who was, according to the flesh, a Middle Eastern Semite, with light olive skin, not as dark as the Arabs who’ve got the same patriarch as the Israelites in Abraham, but a different matriarch in the person of Hagar the Egyptian.

For it’s written:

Ye have heard that antichrist shall come, even now there are many antichrists: whereby ye know that it is the last time … Who is a liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ? He is antichrist, that denieth the Father and the Son. Whosoever denieth the Son, the same hath not the Father—I Jn2. 22-23

I marvel that ye are so soon removed from him that called you into the grace of Christ unto another gospel: which is not another; but there are some that trouble you, and would pervert the gospel of Christ. But though we or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed—Galatians 1.6-8

Also there’s definitely no way back to God through Jesus for an apostate, whether he be a Judas Iscariot who saw the life and miracles of the Lord first hand, a crazed and arrogant dictator and destroyer like Hitler who denied the faith he was raised in, or just the ordinary church goer who has heard the gospel and understood it, but then turned in his heart from the light of the revelation of the grace of it.

For it’s also written:

For it is impossible for those who were once enlightened, and have tasted of the heavenly gift, and were made partakers of the Holy Ghost [i.e., by the conviction of their sin and need for Jesus by the Holy Ghost], and have tasted the good word of God, and the powers of the world to come, if they shall fall away, to renew them again unto repentance, seeing they crucify to themselves the Son of God afresh, and put him to an open shame—Hebrews 6. 4-6

In fact quite apart from claims that he had a Jewish grandfather, Hitler had quite a few personal Jewish attributes, including the Jewish middle name of “Jacob”, an early and on-going sexual dysfunction and well attested homosexual preference, a rat fink moustache, and a somewhat irrational, unpredictable, highly emotional and often almost quite mad disposition that not only exacerbated his Parkinson-like disease, but escalated war for the Jew banksters that issued in the destruction of tens of millions of relatively righteous and often Christian White European enemies of Jewry.

Crazed German machine gunner mows down White Christian European Americans on the beaches of Normandy on D-day

Crazed German machine gunner mows down White Christian European Americans on the beaches of Normandy on D-day

American corpses sprawled on the beach of Tarawa. The Pacific War against Hitler's buddy Hirohito claimed the lives of more than 100,000 US military personnel

American corpses sprawled on the beach of Tarawa. The Pacific War against Hitler’s buddy Hirohito claimed the lives of more than 100,000 US military personnel


Even all the ranting on the Internet about the “unjustified” torture, murder and rape of Germans at the close and immediately after the war really doesn’t stack up; because the White Europeans that sought that retribution were quite rightly furious at the damage done to their families and friends at the hand of the blinkered Germans who just wouldn’t pull up once their pagan Teutonic warrior spirit had been ignited. Some will contend that the Germans gave their lives to save Europe from the Bolsheviks; but they really provided a way for the Jew banksters to give more of Europe to the communists.

At the end of the day the German supremacists doubtless got a full and fair pay back from God for sowing the iniquity of their “Aryan” racial arrogancy and the idolatry of Hitler’s personality cult and materialistic ideology, which was based on the nineteenth century rationalists’ “certainty that the progress of science would destroy all myths and had already proved Christian doctrine to be an absurdity”. Not to mention the fact that, as willing dupes of Hitlerism, they ruined the lives of the millions of decent White Christian Americans, Brits, South Africans, and Australians, et al, who either perished or lost family members in the war’s mayhem.

The truth is Hitler had really duped the German people, mainly by his own commanding Jew mentored oratory, into losing their lives and giving up their traditional Christian social mores to a false idol of science and materialism he had invented for himself and National Socialism. Just as he had duped the pagan moon idol worshipping Arabs in the Middle East and the emperor worshipping Japanese to join with him in his fight against, okay the Jews and communists, but also decent White Christian Europeans worldwide, so that he could build an empire and thousand year Reich in militant opposition to the promised biblical thousand year reign of God’s righteous resurrected Son Jesus Christ.


The emperor Hirohito was worshipped and died for as a sun idol; and the sun wheel of the occult idol of Hitler's swastika had affinity with the rising sun on the Hinomaru (Japan's flag)

The emperor Hirohito was worshipped and died for as a sun idol; and the sun wheel of the occult symbol of Hitler’s swastika had affinity with the rising sun on the Hinomaru (Japan’s flag)

Hitler's pagan Japanese allies were the good guys---yeah right!

Hitler’s pagan Japanese allies were the good guys—yeah right!

No marvel then, that the creep Hitler, who was very definitely an apostate and not at all a Christian by his own admission, died an ignominious death by suicide and was burnt in fire, after being found out before God for trying to use stolen gold from White Christian European nations to build an evil, antichristian, racial supremacist secular and materialistic empire in militant opposition to the righteous spiritual kingdom of God’s resurrected Son Jesus Christ. Just as the traitor Jew Judas Iscariot went out into the night from the presence of the Lord to betray him; but then cast down the silver he’d received as the price of his treachery and went out and hanged himself, because he’d been found out for his iniquity in his defiled conscience.

Hitler's arrogant ally Mussolini had sought to usurp the Italian monarchy and set up a totalitarian state, but was executed by order of the king and hanged upside down in public by righteous, indignant Italian patriots at the close of his ignominious career

Hitler’s arrogant ally Mussolini had sought to usurp the Italian monarchy and set up a totalitarian state, but was executed by order of the king and hanged upside down in public by righteous, indignant Italian patriots at the close of his ignominious career

Saddam Hussein may have been set up by the Jews and their lackeys in not a few ways; but he was doubtless ultimately hanged primarily by the decree of God because he had founded a personality cult, like Hitlerism, that idolized him; and because he was found out as a recalcitrant pagan Muslim moon idol idolater

Saddam Hussein may have been set up by the Jews and their lackeys in not a few ways; but he was doubtless ultimately hanged primarily by the decree of God because he had founded a personality cult, like Hitlerism, that idolized him; and because he was found out as a recalcitrant pagan Muslim moon idol idolater

The real "three reasons" why Hitler's pagan Aryan enterprise couldn't succeed was because it was founded on Hitler's denial of the Trinity of the supreme Deity and militantly opposed the kingdom and biblical revelation of God's righteous resurrected Son Jesus Christ

The real “three reasons” why Hitler’s pagan Aryan enterprise couldn’t succeed was because it was founded on Hitler’s denial of the Trinity of the supreme Deity and militantly opposed the kingdom and biblical revelation of God’s righteous resurrected Son Jesus Christ

The following video is spot on, except for the last comment about Hitler being antichrist because he opposed both Christianity AND Jews. Blind, lukewarm Christians today generally haven’t heard of the Talmud and don’t know the difference between true tribal Israelites in Jewry and the other Jews, viz., the Caucasian/ Khazar Jews and many of the so-called Ashkenazim; and they certainly don’t understand that all of the Jews in Jewry are militantly antichristian, and that their subversive religion of Talmudic Judaism is Unitarian and Pharisaical, and hence diametrically opposite to the Trinitarian God of Israel’s patriarchs and always seeking to blot out the name and memory of God’s righteous Son Jesus Christ …

Check out this article …

Hitler’s public and private statements on religion were often in conflict. The biographer Kershaw wrote that few people could really claim to “know” Hitler — “he was by temperament a very private, even secretive individual”, unwilling to confide in others. In private Hitler scorned Christianity to his friends, but when out campaigning for power in Germany, he publicly made statements in favor of the religion.

German National Socialists used their propaganda of being pro-Christian to advance politically in the 1920s and 30s; and the Nazi bosses, who were being groomed by Jews, really wanted to blot out the name and memory of Jesus as the promised suffering Jewish messiah

German National Socialists used their propaganda of being pro-Christian to advance politically in the 1920s and 30s; and the Nazi bosses, who were being groomed by Jews, really wanted to blot out the name and memory of Jesus as the promised suffering Jewish messiah

“The most persuasive explanation of these statements”, wrote Laurence Rees, “is that Hitler, as a politician, simply recognized the practical reality of the world he inhabited … Had Hitler distanced himself or his movement too much from Christianity it is all but impossible to see how he could ever have been successful in a free election. Thus his relationship in public to Christianity – indeed his relationship to religion in general – was opportunistic. There is no evidence that Hitler himself, in his personal life, ever expressed any individual belief in the basic tenets of the Christian church”.

Though Hitler retained some regard for the organizational power of Catholicism, he had utter contempt for its central teachings, which he said, if taken to their conclusion, “would mean the systematic cultivation of the human failure”. In Hitler: A Study in Tyranny, Alan Bullock, wrote that Hitler was a rationalist and a materialist with no feeling for the spiritual or emotional side of human existence: a “man who believed neither in God nor in conscience (‘a Jewish invention, a blemish like circumcision’)”.

In Hitler and Stalin: Parallel Lives, Bullock added that Hitler, like Napoleon before him, frequently employed the language of “Providence” in defense of his own myth, but ultimately shared with the Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin, “the same materialist outlook, based on the nineteenth century rationalists’ certainty that the progress of science would destroy all myths and had already proved Christian doctrine to be an absurdity“.


Source Article from http://firstlightforum.wordpress.com/2014/02/14/why-the-dictatorial-creep-hitler-joined-the-jews-in-a-low-hell/

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