Zionist Oligarchs Behind the Malaysian Airlines Crash Hoax
The purported crash of a Malaysian Airlines 777, that of the so-called Flight MH17, is a Zionist plot. This plot was concocted by the arch-Zionist cabal for malicious intent. The purpose is to distract world attention from the criminal acts of the Apartheid Zionist entity as it launches its invasion of Gaza.
There was no spontaneous downing of a jumbo jet by anti-government militias. The scheme for this event was put into play by the opposite forces, those Zionist corrupt ones who are in control of the Ukrainian government apparatus.
Moreover, as in other so-called democratic states the people in control are not government officials but are, rather, power-brokers – the extremely wealthy and well-positioned.
One key such Ukrainian power-broker is arch-Zionist extremist and terrorism promoter Ihor Kolomoisky. At the time of this inane hoax his murderous plots and schemes for the Zionist conquest of Ukraine were not going well.
Too, he and his corrupt ones had murdered a number of Ukrainians, including those slaughtered in the Odessa massacre.
The timing was ripe for this multi-billionaire to launch this false flag hoax. What a great distraction it would be for his crimes. Moreover, what a way it is to attack and undermine his enemy, the government of Russia, notably its President, Vladmir Putin.
Clearly, Kolomoisky is a treacherous one to the extreme, who is capable of committing such vile acts routinely:
Ihor Kolomoisky, the governor of Dnipropetrovsk region in eastern Ukraine since the coup regime was installed and the oligarch behind the Odessa Massacre, has Israeli citizenship and runs the European Jewish Forum which will control the ‘fascist narrative’ amongst the world Jewish community.
In Odessa this criminal mind committed vast atrocities, where some 120 Ukrainian activists were burned and butchered to death. This is well established. Kolomoisky bank-rolled the criminals, paying his thugs over-and-above any ‘salary’ a bounty of $5000 for every activist and/or resistance fighter killed.
It is the Zionists who are behind this wretched event. The fake crash is an act of dire desperation. One of their key agents for orchestrating this is Interior Ministry agent, Anton Gerashchenko.
Conveniently, he has the Ukraine Crisis Media Center fully in place to manipulate public consciousness – on behalf of Kolomoisky and other embedded arch-Zionist moles.
Fixing it is right, but not for any public service cause but, rather, on behalf of the arch-Zionist billionaires. It is Gerashchenko’s job to lay the blame on Russia, particularly President Putin. He is doing so viciously and relentlessly. It is also his role to scandalize this staged event, making the local guerillas appear as if blood-thirsty monsters.
Anton Gerashchenko, an advisor to the Kiev government, said: “I have received information that terrorist death-hunters were collecting not only cash and jewellery of the crashed Boeing dead passengers, but also the credit cards of the victims.
“Currently, they might as well try to use them in Ukraine or pass them on to Russia. My humble request to the relatives of the victims to freeze their credit cards, so that they won’t lose their assets to terrorists.”
Gerashchenko uploaded this image as evidence, claiming it was proof of the launching of a missile. This missile, he says, is the one that struck the airliner. How is it even remotely possible that such an image could be captured? Was he there to take the photograph?
Note the date of the upload, the same one as the actual acclaimed missile-based crash. There is no possibility that this man could procure such an image, surely not from rebel forces. Was he there himself to take the picture? The image and its time of upload alone are proof of staging. It also proves that it is Gerashchenko and his clique who are behind this event, not the local fighters.
Immediately, he used the crisis to launch false blame, attempting to create a great scandal based on mere lies:
It can be seen by his reference to the joint cabal of Europe, the United States, and Canada that he is nothing other than a Zionist agent. This is Zionism’s plot against the Ukrainian people, that is this so-called European-North American axis which is calling for armed conflict – the good vs. evil proclamation is yet further proof of his role as a Zionist mole.
Gerashchenko claims he created the Crisis Center in partnership with an individual known as Semein Semenchenko. Despite being in his own country he is a man who doesn’t like to show his face.
Semenchenko is the ultimate tie to the Zionists. He is a mere hired hug of arch-pro-Israeli Zionist Ihor Kolomoisky. This ruffian is yet another reason which explains the role of Kolomoisky in this fraud.
It has not yet been confirmed if he is truly captured, but there was a fire-fight and his men were defeated. It is merely further reason for the Zionists to stage the plane crash hoax as pay-back to the local fighters.
Yet, he is not the only Zionist agent operating in the Ukraine on behalf of the Israelis. Chief among them is this murderous Zionist extremist, known by the moniker Delta.
Under the title “In Kiev, an Israeli army vet led a street-fighting unit”,the Jewish News Agency JTA confirms that soldiers from the IDF were involved in the EuroMaidan protest movement under the direct command of the Neo-Nazi Svoboda Party. The Svoboda Party follows in the footsteps of World War II Nazi collaborator Stepan Bandera.
OUR ADDITION; Does it need to be said more clearly? The Zionists are behind this coup against the Ukrainian people, with the so-called Neo-Nazi groups, mere thugs, being their proxy militias.
The leader of the “Blue Helmets of Maidan” is Delta “the nom de guerre of the commander of a Jewish-led militia force that participated in the Ukrainian revolution.”
This was no revolution but was, rather, a destructive coup orchestrated by local Zionist extremists in collaboration with Israeli mercenaries. The involvement of so-called white racists and Neo-Nazi fanatics is also proof of Zionist schemes. The Israelis are working directly with such groups. What more proof is needed of their role in committing the violence on the streets?
It is the Jews who are behind the treachery and bloodshed in the Ukraine, both local and foreign:
Yet, back to Kolomoisky. The depth of his depravity is so great that it is impossible to quantify. To perpetrate his murderous acts he has essentially hired local Jewish thugs, along with foreign Israeli infiltrators, to do his dirty work. In relation to the atrocities at Odessa. According to http://orientalreview.org:
Kolomoisky temporarily delivered his private “Dnieper-1” Battalion under the command of law-enforcement officials in Odessa and also authorized a cash payment of $5,000 for “each pro-Russian separatist” killed during the special operation.
The blog continues:
Some of them went down to the basement from which no one emerged alive – there they were tortured, killed, and butchered with machetes. Others headed upstairs. Gasoline was mixed with napalm to form deadly, acrid carbon monoxide. The recipe for these deadly cocktails was created by chemists from Independence Square, but they were not used there. In Odessa, the mixture was employed for the first time and this was no accident: a massacre with a large number of fatalities was needed in order to terrorize the entire country.
In all some 120 people were tortured, massacred, and burned alive. Many were hacked to death. This is the standard Israeli pattern, which is to commit an act of such a high degree of brutality so as to completely terrorize the population.
The MH17 issue, among other terror acts in the Ukraine, is a Zionist plot. This is proven by Gerashchenko’s own words:
Then, here is the final proof that the great acts of terror and debauchery in the Ukraine are Zionist in origin. Gerashchenko pulls the anti-Semitic canard, touting the comparison of the entity with the fabricators of the Holocaust. Incredibly, he leverages none other than the Simon Wiesenthal Center.
This proves that the plane crash hoax is the basis of a witch hunt, meant to exterminate any Ukrainian resistance to Zionist plots.
Then, too, Washington, D.C.’s favorite for the new rulership of the Ukraine is a hard-core Zionist Jew Vitali Klitschko (far-left).
Therefore, clearly, regarding this staged airplane crash hoax it is the Zionist cabal which is completely responsible for orchestrating it.
The fake plane crash has only served one entity. That entity is the murderous, racist, demonic Zionist cabal.
Source Article from http://nodisinfo.com/zionist-jews-behind-mh17-crash-catastrophe/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=zionist-jews-behind-mh17-crash-catastrophe
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