Breaking: How the Vaxxed Have Been…

Breaking: How the Vaxxed Have Been Played, and What They Can Do About it

Note: This is written out of love, for family, dear friends who have been lied to.  Don’t shoot the messenger.  By now if you have been paying any attention at all you know something is amiss.  You took the shot or shots in good faith after hearing “safe and effective” over and over, but something isn’t right.  Maybe you feel it.  Maybe you went blind for a day, or you are getting headaches.  Maybe you feel fine, but by now you have now read, from scientists who can’t be dismissed as “conspiracy” and even published in the Wall Street Journal, that the goalposts for “safe and effective” keep changing.  

Such as in June, scientists announced serious concerns over not just sore arms and fatigue, but “heart inflammation,” “thrombosis” (blood clots) and “death.”  Strokes are a kind of thrombosis.  

In fact, changing the fine print after you have, in effect, signed the contract, by rolling up your sleeve, the FDA has just added heart inflammation dangers (“rare” of course) to its fact sheet for the Pfizer/Moderna injections, which are not really vaccines in the traditional sense, but an extremely bold experiment in tinkering with your immune system at the genetic level.  Of all the types of countermeasures to a CDC average 99.98% recovery rate virus for people under 50 (and 99.8% overall) these should not have been the ones to receive hasty approval for placement into human beings.

Above Source: KUSI San Diego

“Rare” heart inflammation dangers may not be much of a concern, unless you are one of 2.5 million of American living with a congenital heart defect, another category not studied in depth in long-term, closely monitored clinical trials, human or animal.  Maybe its ok.  But might it have changed some peoples’ decision point had they known this?  Heart inflammaiton is no joke.

In the Rare Disease Database of the National Organization for Rare Disorders, a description of myocarditis reads:

“Most immune reactions are helpful and serve to clear infections, but sometimes the scar tissue resulting from the inflammation can lead to long term decline in heart function or chronic abnormalities in heart rhythm. Sometimes the immune reaction fails to clear an infection which can lead to chronic viral myocarditis.”

Sure it’s “only” rare, unless you are one of the rare people who wish you had known this.

So says none other than the inventor of the mRNA technology on which the “treatments” are based, Dr. Robert Malone, who went on Tucker Carlson recently to say “the benefits do not outweigh the risks” of the injections for young adults and younger.    (RUSH TRANSCRIPT OF FULL INTERVIEW, DR. MALONE IS “SPEAKER 3”)

Dr. Robert Malone at 8 minutes (view at Bitchute)

Dr. Malone said in a recent interview, heavily censored by Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg who thinks he knows more about mRNA technology than the man who invented it, that very big problems have emerged with the drugs which make their long-term effects somewhat of a mystery.  Dr. Malone said this is the sort of thing that is caught in animal trials, which on average take three to six years,  but which were short-circuited for “Operation Warp Speed.”  

Warp Speed might be good for the Starship Enterprize.  But it is not good for something you inject into your bloodstream which can never come out.  

Dr. Malone said, referring to the nerd science which went wrong:

“…before we get a product released to use in humans, in the normal situation where we’re not in a rush, we have some really rigorous tests that have to be done in animals. And revealing that spike gets cleaved off of express cells and becomes free is something that absolutely should have been known and understood well before this ever got put in humans.”

Whatever that means, it doesn’t sound good.  Dr. Malone agreed that a large part of the public, the “vaccinated,” have been “placed into a kind of danger.”

Summary of Dr. Malone June 2021 Interview by Discernable (view at Bitchute)

The incredible drama unfolding before our eyes could not be more like a Dr. Frankenstein, good-hearted and brilliant, screaming at the top of his lungs:”Animal trials!  Animal trials!  I said animal trials, you fools!”

Before the “fact-checkers” jump in, insulting your intelligence by misstating the issue then knocking it down (this is called the “strawman” tactic, a favorite of the “fact-checkers,”) and say “Yes, there were animal trials,” yes, there were.  They lasted all of two months at the most, rather than the normal three to six years.  On 18 macaques and 24 mice, for Pfizer.

Now your question should be, why are they taking so much trouble to lie to you? What is this nonstop barrage of lies all about? How else have you been played?  That is for you to decide.  All that can be provided here are things you should probably know.

Some of the things you should know, and this list is by no means complete, that would need a book. 

– Dr. Peter Hotez, now CNN’s go-to guy for fearmongering on the “delta variant,” is a pediatrician by training and not a virologist or immunologist, and has long been heavily funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.  Hotez is fond of using the most alarming language possible and then blaming unvaccinated people for the spread of a virus now known to be almost certainly man-made, with the help of funding approved by Tony Fauci to the Wuhan lab in China.

– Tony Fauci has done this before, that is, sing the praises of a vaccine as “safe and effective,” before the drug was found to possibly have serious side-effects.  In 2010 Fauci pushed the vaccine for the H1N1 flu as only having side effects which were “xxx  Now studies have found that xxx
– Gates, who is heavily invested in digital ID technology, i.e. “vaccine passports” and systems which can connect all individuals to a global, artificial intelligence database, is this decade’s richest and most powerful pusher of a regular, never-ending universal vaccination system, at for the masses, who do not travel on private jets or frequent private clubs.   To help run his GAVI Alliance, in xxx he tapped Anthony Fauci, an expert in suppressing safe, cheap remedies for diseases while far more profitable vaccines can be developed and made mandatory
– Behind the most well-known “fact check” websites 
– Gates is behind the Imperial College professor who invented the “lockdown” theory, which has been thoroughly discredited as there is no correlation between the presence or severity of pockdwns and COVID death rates.  Some of the most harshly locked down countries, to this day, Potugal, Italy, Spain, have some of the highest death rates, while Sweden, with almost no measures in place for most of last year, did much better.  The professor, xxx


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Breaking: How the Vaxxed Have Been…

Breaking: How the Vaxxed Have Been Played, and What They Can Do About it

Note: This is written out of love, for family, dear friends who have been lied to.  Don’t shoot the messenger.  By now if you have been paying any attention at all you know something is amiss.  You took the shot or shots in good faith after hearing “safe and effective” over and over, but something isn’t right.  Maybe you feel it.  Maybe you went blind for a day, or you are getting headaches.  Maybe you feel fine, but by now you have now read, from scientists who can’t be dismissed as “conspiracy” and even published in the Wall Street Journal, that the goalposts for “safe and effective” keep changing.  

Such as in June, scientists announced serious concerns over not just sore arms and fatigue, but “heart inflammation,” “thrombosis” (blood clots) and “death.”  Strokes are a kind of thrombosis.  

In fact, changing the fine print after you have, in effect, signed the contract, by rolling up your sleeve, the FDA has just added heart inflammation dangers (“rare” of course) to its fact sheet for the Pfizer/Moderna injections, which are not really vaccines in the traditional sense, but an extremely bold experiment in tinkering with your immune system at the genetic level.  Of all the types of countermeasures to a CDC average 99.98% recovery rate virus for people under 50 (and 99.8% overall) these should not have been the ones to receive hasty approval for placement into human beings.

Above Source: KUSI San Diego

“Rare” heart inflammation dangers may not be much of a concern, unless you are one of 2.5 million of American living with a congenital heart defect, another category not studied in depth in long-term, closely monitored clinical trials, human or animal.  Maybe its ok.  But might it have changed some peoples’ decision point had they known this?  Heart inflammaiton is no joke.

In the Rare Disease Database of the National Organization for Rare Disorders, a description of myocarditis reads:

“Most immune reactions are helpful and serve to clear infections, but sometimes the scar tissue resulting from the inflammation can lead to long term decline in heart function or chronic abnormalities in heart rhythm. Sometimes the immune reaction fails to clear an infection which can lead to chronic viral myocarditis.”

Sure it’s “only” rare, unless you are one of the rare people who wish you had known this.

So says none other than the inventor of the mRNA technology on which the “treatments” are based, Dr. Robert Malone, who went on Tucker Carlson recently to say “the benefits do not outweigh the risks” of the injections for young adults and younger.    (RUSH TRANSCRIPT OF FULL INTERVIEW, DR. MALONE IS “SPEAKER 3”)

Dr. Robert Malone at 8 minutes (view at Bitchute)

Dr. Malone said in a recent interview, heavily censored by Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg who thinks he knows more about mRNA technology than the man who invented it, that very big problems have emerged with the drugs which make their long-term effects somewhat of a mystery.  Dr. Malone said this is the sort of thing that is caught in animal trials, which on average take three to six years,  but which were short-circuited for “Operation Warp Speed.”  

Warp Speed might be good for the Starship Enterprize.  But it is not good for something you inject into your bloodstream which can never come out.  

Dr. Malone said, referring to the nerd science which went wrong:

“…before we get a product released to use in humans, in the normal situation where we’re not in a rush, we have some really rigorous tests that have to be done in animals. And revealing that spike gets cleaved off of express cells and becomes free is something that absolutely should have been known and understood well before this ever got put in humans.”

Whatever that means, it doesn’t sound good.  Dr. Malone agreed that a large part of the public, the “vaccinated,” have been “placed into a kind of danger.”

Summary of Dr. Malone June 2021 Interview by Discernable (view at Bitchute)

The incredible drama unfolding before our eyes could not be more like a Dr. Frankenstein, good-hearted and brilliant, screaming at the top of his lungs:”Animal trials!  Animal trials!  I said animal trials, you fools!”

Before the “fact-checkers” jump in, insulting your intelligence by misstating the issue then knocking it down (this is called the “strawman” tactic, a favorite of the “fact-checkers,”) and say “Yes, there were animal trials,” yes, there were.  They lasted all of two months at the most, rather than the normal three to six years.  On 18 macaques and 24 mice, for Pfizer.

Now your question should be, why are they taking so much trouble to lie to you? What is this nonstop barrage of lies all about? How else have you been played?  That is for you to decide.  All that can be provided here are things you should probably know.

Some of the things you should know, and this list is by no means complete, that would need a book. 

– Dr. Peter Hotez, now CNN’s go-to guy for fearmongering on the “delta variant,” is a pediatrician by training and not a virologist or immunologist, and has long been heavily funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.  Hotez is fond of using the most alarming language possible and then blaming unvaccinated people for the spread of a virus now known to be almost certainly man-made, with the help of funding approved by Tony Fauci to the Wuhan lab in China.

– Tony Fauci has done this before, that is, sing the praises of a vaccine as “safe and effective,” before the drug was found to possibly have serious side-effects.  In 2010 Fauci pushed the vaccine for the H1N1 flu as only having side effects which were “xxx  Now studies have found that xxx
– Gates, who is heavily invested in digital ID technology, i.e. “vaccine passports” and systems which can connect all individuals to a global, artificial intelligence database, is this decade’s richest and most powerful pusher of a regular, never-ending universal vaccination system, at for the masses, who do not travel on private jets or frequent private clubs.   To help run his GAVI Alliance, in xxx he tapped Anthony Fauci, an expert in suppressing safe, cheap remedies for diseases while far more profitable vaccines can be developed and made mandatory
– Behind the most well-known “fact check” websites 
– Gates is behind the Imperial College professor who invented the “lockdown” theory, which has been thoroughly discredited as there is no correlation between the presence or severity of pockdwns and COVID death rates.  Some of the most harshly locked down countries, to this day, Potugal, Italy, Spain, have some of the highest death rates, while Sweden, with almost no measures in place for most of last year, did much better.  The professor, xxx


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