Elderly warned about scam artists

Scam artists are targeting elderly and vulnerable residents in Sydney’s southwest.

Police say two 86-year-old males were robbed in separate incidents in Kingsgrove and Roselands this month, when men approached their homes claiming to be workers.

The first incident involved a man entering the home in Kingsgrove, supposedly to use the bathroom.

Another man then walked into the property and when the pair was asked to leave, they claimed to be government pest control workers.

A sum of cash was discovered missing by the 86-year-old man after the pair left the property.

In another incident, two men approached a home in Roselands claiming to measure a fence.

An 86-year-old man and his wife later found a sum of money missing from their bedroom.

Police believe the incidents are linked.

They want to talk to a 183cm tall Caucasian male, aged in his 30s with a thin build and short dark hair as well as a Caucasian male of the same age and height with a red trimmed beard.

Police are appealing for anyone with information to contact their local police station or Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000.

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